Fifty Seven

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"Where are my clothes?" I mutter to myself. I open my gym locker and see everything is gone but my book bag.

The girls behind me giggle and I turn around go look at them. "Do you have my clothes?" I ask.

"We just got here." Tara speaks while eyeing me. They put on their shoes and leave the locker room.

What am I supposed to do? I can't wear my gym uniform the whole day.

I walk over to the office in the locker room where the female coaches hangout. "Excuse me," Their conversation stops. "Uh, someone took my clothes out of my locker and I don't know where they are. Can I go to my car?"

"Why wasn't your locker locked?" One asks, eyeing me.

"I-it was." I stammer.

"Then why are they gone?"

"I don't know." I scoff. "Can I j-just go to my car?" They need to give me a pass so the pass can let the women at the door near the student parking lot let me go and come back.

"What's in your car?"


"Why are clothes in your car?"

"Because this shit happens." I spit.

"Well, then." Her eyes widen. "No, have a good day." I roll my eyes and walk past the garbage can. I glance in there and see my clothes. They're covered with...

Oh my god, ew.

I grab my book bag and leave out the gym exit and jog to my car. I get in quickly and drive away.


I arrive home and slam my bedroom door shut. I change into proper clothes and run my hand through my hair tensely. I can't keep doing this. I don't want too.

Harry POV

It's lunch and I usually see May by her locker. I see Adam there. I walk over to him. "Do you know where May is?" I ask him, leaning against her locker.

"No, she was in gym though." Adam pauses for a moment and shakes his head. "She's probably home, then."

My eyebrows furrow. "What do you mean?"

"May left school after gym, most likely. She would be here other wise."

"Why would she leave though?"

"Because the twats you call your friends took her clothes and hid them from her." My heart falls and my eyes sadden.

"They do that?" I manage to say.

"Usually she finds them and goes on. Unless they put them in the trash and the girls put their pads and tampons on her clothes."

"Are you serious?" Adam nods.

"I'm going to go check up on her." He shuts his locker.

"Should I go?" I ask, he shakes his head.

"I don't think she'd want her boyfriend to know really. So don't mention anything." He warns. "But, while you're at it, tell them to stop at least. She hates shopping for clothes and I'd rather not see her look disgusted trying to find something she likes."

I just want to hold her and kiss her cheeks and tell her everything will me fine. I hate that she goes through this, I hate that I know who does it.

"Okay." I nod. "Uh, text me when you know how she is."

"Okay." Adam and I both go our separate ways.

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