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"What the fuck?!" Harry says loudly.

"Shh." I say to him.

"He said that to you?" He asks me.

"Yeah." I sit on my bed.

"He's with your sister."

"I know." I run my fingers through my hair. "I just wanted to tell you, because you said too."

"Now it must be true that he's cheating on Sadie." Harry sits down behind me.

"Okay. So, how was your weekend?" His eyebrows furrow. "Do you expect me to care if she gets cheated on?" I ask.

"I don't know, it doesn't bother you?"

"Why would it?" I ask.

"Fuck you Todd!" I hear Sadie shout loudly making me jump. Harry's looks to me and picks his lip. Her feet stomp upstairs and her bedroom door slams.

His phone beeps and it's from Sadie saying to come over.

"Can I go pretend to come over to see what she needs?" He just came over 5 minutes ago. "May-"

"No, yeah. Go ahead." I smile gently.

"She's my best friend."

"I know, so go comfort her or whatever."

"Then why do you look like I killed your dog?"

"You just came over 5 minutes ago and I haven't seen you in three days, because you've been busy with your history project and whatever."

"But Sadie has something going on and she needs me."

"That's why I said you can go, you asked me why I look like you killed my nonexistent dog."

"I'll make it up to you."

"It's fine." I say. "I'll text to you later." He pecks my lips.

"You look like you hate me."

"I don't hate you." He kisses me again.

"Thank you for understanding." I smile gently.

"Yep." I murmur. He stands up and he opens my door and walks out shutting it slowly behind him.

I lay down and frown.


I'm currently making Mac and Cheese. I stir the noodles and wait for them to cook.

I turn around and see Sadie. Her eyes are puffy and red looking. Harry looks at me and I look away.

"M-mom called. She said uh, h-her and dad will be home t-tomorrow at ten."

"In the morning?"

"No, at night." Sadie nods. She wipes her eyes and Harry squeezes her shoulder.

I make my Mac and cheese and they talk amongst themselves. Once I'm done I make myself a bowl and put the rest in the fridge.

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