Fifty Five

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Christmas is in two weeks, Harry's Christmas party is two days before Christmas.

"So," I say while glancing at Adam, we're by our lockers getting stuff. "I uh, kinda need help with something." His eyes look to me.

"Of course, what's up?"

"I need to go dress shopping and I need your help?" It comes out as a question. "I would uh ask Ronnie but she'll say I look good in anything and not tell me the truth. If I look like a whale I know you'd tell me."

"Wow thanks." Adam says sarcastically.

Adam and I have slowly been hanging out more. It's awkward at times, but it is what it is. I've been hanging out with Ronnie more as well.

She didn't do anything wrong, which I felt bad about. Adam was the one who said he wanted to stop being "best friends" and I assumed Ronnie and Evan did as well. So, I just ignored their texts and dismissed the conversations with them they tried to start in school.

"And yeah, I'll go with ya." Adam smiles gently.

"Thanks." I sigh.

"What's it for?" He asks. "I thought you hate dresses."

"I do." I say. "But uh, Harry invited me to a Christmas party that his Mom throws every year and it's fancy, and I need a dress."

"You're meeting his parents for the first time I'm assuming?"

I haven't told Adam a lot which makes me sad. I wanted to tell him the first time my boyfriend and I say I love you, or I meet his parents, anything really.

"I met them in November actually." His brown eyes widen.

"No shit, really? How'd that go?"

"I like to think they like me." I bite my lip.

"That's cool." His eyes narrow at me. "There's a lot of new info I don't know, isn't there?" I nod hesitantly.

"Wanna fill me in when we go dress hunting?"

"Yeah, sure." I never seen Adam smile so widely.

I feel his arms wrap around me. He hugs me tightly and puts his head on my shoulder, "Thank you." Adam murmurs. My heart pinch and I smile gently.

I missed Adam. I kinda hate that I do, but he's best friend.

We pull away from our hug and he smiles softly a me. "Today after school good?"

"It might be a process of days." I say and he laughs. "But yeah, uh meet me at my house at three?"

"Sounds good."


I get home at 2:45 and text Harry.

Me: I need to know what type of dress I need to get

Me: like the color

Harry: white or black

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