Forty Three

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I haven't seen Adam today which is weird. Really weird.

I stare at the stuff in my locker for a while. I feel like I'm forgetting something. "May." A different voice says. I look over my shoulder and see Todd. I close my locker and stare at him. "You haven't been answering my texts."

"W-what t-texts?" I ask. My voice low. I cross my arms over my chest and let my teeth pick at my lower lip. His head tilts at me.

"I need to talk to you." His voice turns low.

"About?" I ask timidly.

"Not here. Someone might over hear." My eyebrows furrow.

"So w-where?" I ask.

"After school? Uh, at the park near the coffee shop."

"T-the one with the l-lake?" I ask.

"Yeah, that one."

"So, you can rape me then t-throw me in a lake? Sounds f-fun." I smile and he scowls his eyes at me.

"I won't touch you, I promise."

"I don't believe y-you. Plus, what's s-so important?" He keeps quiet.

"Just meet me there a-after school. And don't tell Harry."

"Harry?" I ask. Todd nods. "W-why would I tell Harry?"

"Because you guys are dating, or something."

"We're not together." His eyes narrow.

"Don't worry it's between us. And what I'll tell you will be between us."

"Did you kill anyone?" I ask.

"No." His eyes widen. "Just meet me there after school."

"I can't stay long, I have uh, s-stuff to d-do."

"It will be quick."

"I m-might not s-show up." I warn.

"I hope you do show up." After that Todd walks away making my stomach turn.


My lunch period I debate what to do about Todd. I'm supposed to meet Harry at his house at 3:30 but I might be late if I go.

I pick at my nails which is a bad habit of mine. I pick them so much blood sometimes drips off of my fingers.

"May, was Todd talking to you today?" Harry's voice says sternly while walking to our usual lunch spot.

"Huh?" I pretend I didn't hear him. His eyes scowl.

"Sadie's ex boyfriend. Was he talking to you today?"

"Yeah, why?"

"What did he want?"

"To ask how Sadie was." I come up with. His eyes narrow. "How did you even know?"

"Dylan, who else?" Harry sits across from me. "I swear he's obsessed over you." His eyes roll.

"Okay." I murmur.

"Is that all he wanted?" Harry asks me. His voice questioning.

"Yeah." I answer. "Why?"

"Because I want to know if he talks to you."

"For Sadie's sake?" I ask, my eyebrow's furrowing. Harry stares at me.

"No, May. Because I know he's asked you to mess around and shit." His voice is defensive.

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