Seventy Four

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"You're staying, right?" Ellie asks while walking into my room. I take out my earbud and look at the time. They're supposed to be here any minute.

"Probably not, why?" I ask. Her head tilts.

"You don't want to talk to him?" She asks. "Or know his side?"

"He didn't want me, and that's that. It will just be more awkward with me sitting there, no?" I ask.

"I don't think so." Ellie says. She runs her fingers through her hair. "C'mon just stay for dinner. If you feel uncomfortable I'll cover for you leaving."

"Fine." Ellie smiles. I put back in my earbuds and go back to reading my History book.

My nerves start to mess me up and make my stomach upset. I roll my eyes to myself and raise the volume on my phone.


I pause my music when I hear chatter being made loudly downstairs. I get up from my chair and look out the window and see an SUV parked in the driveway. Fuck.

I sit on my bed and take out my phone.

Me: keep me busy

Harry: hello

Harry: that's how ppl usually start conversations

Me: I'm out numbered

Harry: wym?

Me: with ppl who like me vs wish I was never born

Harry: staaaaaaaaaaap

Me: it's true

Me: they're here and I don't wanna go downstairs

Harry: :(

Me: :/

Harry: I wish I could help you

Harry: want me to pick you up later?

Me: yea

"May!" I hear a voice call from downstairs.

Me: igtg :/

Harry: if you need me my phone is on

Me: ty

I lock my phone and head downstairs. I pull the sleeves of my hoodie to cover my hands.

I walk to where chatter is and first see my grandmother who just glares past me. Ellie stands beside me. "Did you invite Harry over?"

"No, I thought Mom wouldn't want him over." I would be a lot calmer if he was here though.

"You should've anyways." I just pick at my lower lip and see my cousins walk over to me.

"Hey." Sarah greets with a friendly smile. Her light brown hair is brushed into a pony tail. Her bright blue eyes meet mine, I look away.

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