Sixty Two

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Harry POV

Today is Christmas Eve.

My parents are doing last minute shopping for one another and Gemma is out wth her boyfriend.

Sadie is coming over soon, we always hangout on Christmas Eve.

I haven't seen May since I dropped her off at her house after Vancouver. That was two days ago. I don't think it's healthy that I miss her so much.

I answer the door and see Sadie. Her hair is pulled into a pony tail and her dimples are on her cheeks. "Merry Christmas, H." She hugs me and I hug back.

"Merry Christmas." I smile gently. "Can I get you anything?"

"I'm good." Sadie smiles. We walk to my kitchen. "Tell me about Vancouver." A smirk on her lips.

"What's to tell?" I ask, biting my lip. Her eyes roll.

"Really, Harry? What's to tell? How was it like bringing her to the party? That was a big step for you."

"It was good, they liked her." I say with a small grin. Her eyes narrow at me.

"What's going on with you? You won't tell me anything about your relationship."

"There isn't much to tell."

"You used to chew my ear off about Lily. I get nothing about your new girlfriend. I have to force it out of you." Sadie pauses. "Do you want to break up with her or something?"

"Of course not." My eyes widen.

"Then what is it?"

"Nothing." I say. "I'll be right back, I gotta use the bathroom." I dismiss myself and go to the bathroom.

When I return, Sadie had my phone her hand and a raised eyebrow. "What's up?" I ask.

"I feel like I'm reading this wrong but uh, May texted you." My face flushes. "Her contact name has a heart?" Sadie looks at me. My heart is beating so hard against my chest. "What's going on?"

"Uh," I itch my head. "What does the text say?"

"Hi, with a tongue face thing." I try not to smilie, she always puts that face when she's hi which is cute.

Sadie slides me my phone and I put it in my pocket. Her eyes burn on me. "So um," I run my hand through my hair. "A-April is um May."

"Wait," Sadie pauses. "What?" I nod. "You're with May?"

"I uh, am."

"Why didn't you tell me?" Sadie asks. "For how long?"

"Five months." Her blue eyes scowl. She remains quiet. "What are you thinking?"

"Why would you keep this from me? You're my best friend, we're supposed to tell each other these things."

"May didn't want to tell anyone." I answer.

"Why?" My eyebrows furrow.

"Are you being serious, or...?"

"She didn't want you to tell me, that's what you're saying, yes?" Sadie asks.



"You aren't the most loving toward her." I answer. "So, do you honestly blame her?"

"I wouldn't give a rats ass who you're with Harry, as long as you're happy. Even if it's May, which isn't a bad thing, I'm just saying. Do I scare you so much or something?"

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