Sixty Three

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It's Christmas morning.

It's currently eleven o'clock in the morning and my Mother places the pancakes on the dinning room table.

For some reason, this year no one woke up early. All of the presents are under the tree still, as well.

"Am I missing anything?" My mother asks while looking at the table.

"No, dear." My father replies. She sits across from me and everyone puts food on their plates. I don't, I'm not hungry.

I just sip my juice. "May, want some pancakes?" Sadie asks me. Her eyes meet mine briefly.

"I-I'm good, thanks." I mutter.

"Not even one?" She asks.

"I'm not hungry." Sadie nods and passed the plate to Ellie. I look up and see my Mothers eyes are burning on me.

"I think it's good that you're cutting back on carbs." I look to my cup.

"She doesn't need to cut back on carbs, Mom." Ellie says. My Mom's blue eyes peer up at me and I look away.

Chatter starts being made about school and how that's going for everyone. My fingers fidget under the table.

My phone goes off a few times causing the table to fall silent. "Sorry." I mutter.

"Who is it?" My Father asks.

"I-I don't know." I say honestly. My phone is faced down on the table. It goes off again, as one those reminders that you got a text.

My Mom takes my phone and I feel my heart begin beating roughly against my chest. She looks at the contact and her eyes glance up at me.

"It's from Harry." Oh god.

"Sadie's Harry?" My father questions. I want to sink in a hole and die.

"Hm, the text reads Merry Christmas babe, see you later. I love you, then a heart." The table falls silent and she returns my phone. "How long has that been going on?"

"Me, and uh H-Harry?" I ask. My Mother nods.

"Five months." I mutter.

"Hm, that's surprising." Her voice sounds mocking.

"Mom." Sadie scolds.

"What? I can't say that's surprising?"

"It's the way you said it."

"It's Harry c'mon. It's a little shocking." I feel Ellie squeeze my knee.

"Shocking because what?" El asks. I really just want to die. "Because he loves her?" She chuckles. "What's funny?"

"Love, really?" My Mom's eyes glare to me. I bite my lower lip. I look to my father who is just staring at his cup of coffee. "They're in high school, after another month lets see if the love lasts." She sips her coffee.

"Nice faith you have." Ellie mutters. "Why can't you just be happy for her instead of shitting on the guy she likes? So what if it's Harry. He's not a bad guy."

"C-can we change the s-subject?" I ask finally.

"Are you seeing him tonight?" My mother asks me.

"He invited me over for uh, d-dinner."

"And you're going? To a family dinner of your boyfriends, on Christmas? Is that appropriate?"

"His Mom a-asked if I wanted to g-go." I manage to say. My nails dig into the palm of my hand.

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