Fifty Four

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I feel better.

Way better.

I don't have that lingering headache or the feeling of wanting to throw up.

I'm currently over Harry's house. We're in his bedroom watching Greys Anatomy. We're on season four currently.

My head is in his chest and his hand is on my lower back.

My eyes are on Derek. How the hell is he that attractive? Like jeez. His hair is great and his eyes are beautiful. Since season one I've had a major crush on him. But, I hard core ship him with Meredith, even though currently she's a pain.

I already watched up to season 13. I'm rewatching series though and Harry doesn't mind. I hate season 11. Not because it's shit, just because stuff happens and I cried. This whole show makes me cry.

I don't know, I just love Mcdreamy. I think most girls who've watched the show agree.

I feel Harry's lips touch my forehead and I smile gently. "Stop eye fucking him." I laugh and nudge him.

"I am not." I defend. I look up at my boyfriend who raises one of his eyebrows. I lean up and kiss his soft lips.

"So, first it's Ed Sheeran, second is some guy on a TV show, who else?" Harry's green eyes burn on me.

"First, Ed, is Ed. His music is great. Two, Derek is good looking, and you can't disagree. Just look at him." Harry rolls his eyes at me. "It doesn't mean I want to be with any of them."

"Uhuh." My eyes narrow at Harry. I gently kiss his lips and nuzzle my head into his chest. My fingers lace with his. Our legs intertwine and I feel his tense body relax.

I look up to Harry who is already looking down at me. "I love you May." His voice making my voice get tingle and my insides heat.

I straddle his lap and lets my fingers play with the ends of his growing curls. He gently kisses my cheek then my forehead. My eyes peer up into his and he strokes my skin. "Harry?"

"Hm?" He kisses my neck.

"Please don't break my heart." I murmur. His green eyes meet mine and his hands cup my cheeks.

"I won't." He kisses me. "I promise baby." I press my face against Harry's chest and feel his arms wrap around me protectively.

It scares me how much I've let Harry know me. I would never imagine that we would be where we are now when we first started talking. The thought of him not being in my life makes me sad though. Not even sad, I wouldn't know what to do.

I love him.

I never thought someone, especially Harry would make me feel like a little happy school girl when he looks at me. But besides that, he makes me feel the safest...

This scares me more than he knows.

"Can I get you anything?" Harry asks me. I shake my head.

"No." I gently kiss him. His hands fall to butt. A cheeky smirk goes on his pink lips and I chuckle.

"You have a really nice ass, and I will stand by that forever." I shake my head with laughter. He kisses my cheek and lays me under him.

His body fits between my legs and both our focuses are off the TV. His fingertips grip onto my waist and he presses himself against me. His lips kiss mine tenderly and my fingers lace through his hair.

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