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Harry POV

I'm at my friend Dylan's house. Karen, and some other people are here. She gives me looks during times making me feel sick.

"So," Dylan looks at me. A beer in his hand. "Who are you fucking?" Everyone laughs.

"No one." I say, looking at them.

"That's bull. You're always with someone new." He nudges me.

"Harry, aren't you with May?" Karen says, a smirk on her thin lips. Anger rises in me.

"No shit!" Dylan exclaims. "You're with stutter girl?" The other guys that are here cheer. "She's your next target, yeah?"

"No." I spit. "I'm not with her, or anything."

"Uhuh." Karen hums.

"Why aren't you? She's perfect!" He says, looking at me. "She's all innocent and shit. That means she's perfect for the bedroom." I feel disgusted at how they talk about her like that.

"No, that's fucked up Dylan. Especially since it's Sadie's sister." I feel sick talking about May like I don't know her and she's nothing to me. A pit in my stomach is still present.

"Then, I'll do it when school starts." He smirks. I feel like hitting him. "If you don't mind. I know how protective you're of her." Everyone laughs. I roll my eyes.

"I'm just saying, I'm not interested in doing that anymore. It has nothing to do with May."

"So you don't care if I hit that?" I pinch my leg.

"Nope." I spit out.

"Good, I'll let you know how she is." He winks. I glance to Karen and see an amused smile on her lips.


May is over my house. She sits across from me on my bed. I explained to her what happened at Dylan's house. I'm glad she finds it funny and not offensive.

"He said, he'd hit that?"

"Yes." I roll my eyes.

"That's a sexual thing, right?" I grin slightly at how her mind isn't dirty.

"Yes." May nods with an 'oh' face. "It's something guys say.

"Interesting. It sounds abusive." I laugh and smile at her.

"I wanted to tell you, because you know, we're a thing, and stuff." She chuckles.

"Thanks for the heads up." May smiles softly. I move closer to her and rest my hands on her thighs. She's sitting criss-cross. She's wearing her typical hoodie and leggings. She looks all cuddly.

"Are you mad at me that I didn't say we were a thing?"

"No." She whispers softly. "I don't really want people to know. I'd get more stares and insults. And you'd get pushed around too." I don't mind being insulted for being with her. But, I don't want May too. She gets enough shit for nothing.

"I understand." I gently kiss her cheek. Her skin is soft. My lips work down to the nip of her neck. Her head tilts to the side more making me smile against her skin. I look back to her and smile gently.

"Wanna watch a movie?" I ask. She nods. I peck her lips and reach over and grab the remotes. She moves over next to me and rests her head against the wooden head board.

Her hair falls to her front and I stare at her features for a moment. I look back to the TV and load Netflix. "Any preferences?" I ask.

"Uh," May pauses. "A comedy." I nod. "No action though, I'm not in the mood."

I turn on Grown ups and put the remotes on the night stand beside me. May's legs are laid out straight. She's not tall, so her legs only make half way or a little more. I smile gently. I rest my hand over hers and feel a small spread of warmness over come me.

Her head is relaxed on the pillow and she looks peaceful. I feel like holding her in my arms and kissing her skin.

I look back to the film and lay down. I move closer to her until our arms are overlapping. Her leg presses against mine and her head gently rests on my shoulder.

I feel my heart warm and I bite my lower lip. We're taking things slow. I don't want to just jump right into things, especially if this is her first relationship.

I just feel like holding her though. I want her snuggled into me and her lips on mine. I want her to kiss me just because or feel comfortable to do just kiss me, without me making the first move.

Time. It will take time for this to happen, and I have to have patience.

"Did you want to go bowling one night?" I ask her.

"Only if there are bumpers." I laugh.

"You can't bowl without bumpers?"

"Don't laugh. I'm a pro at bowling--with bumpers."

"Okay." I kiss her cheek. "One game with bumpers, one game without?" I offer.

"Fine." Her blue eyes look up at me. I smile gently. Fuck I want to kiss her so badly.

"What day will be good for you?" I ask. My fingers play with her's.

"I don't know. I'm always busy." May jokes. I crack a smile.


"Sounds swell." She grins slightly and look backs to the screen. Her head is still on me and I still have that tingly feeling inside of my chest.


Hello :)

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