Thirty One

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Harry POV

I see Evan kissing some girl by his locker. My eyebrows furrow in confusion.

She kisses his cheek and walks off. I head over to him. "I thought you were with May?" My voice deep.

"Did she tell you that?" A smirk on his lips.

"No." I roll my eyes.

"Damn." My eyes scowl at him.

"Keep it that way." I mutter.

"Excuse me?"

"Keep it that way." I repeat. "You and her not being together." He chuckles.

"You guys are broken up."

"And? She's still mine." Evan's eyes roll. "What you like her still?" A smug smile goes on my lips.

"She's hot and all, but she's my friend."

"Great, keep it like that." I smile.

"How do you even know she wants you back?" He asks.

"I don't, but it doesn't hurt to try again." I say, looking at him. "Don't tell her we had this conversation."

"The one where you told me not to like her? Or go out with her? You don't scare me Harry." He chuckles.

"I'm glad. I don't want you to be scared of me." I pause. "But, if I do you see you touch her, even a friendly hug, I will make sure that the this year is complete hell for you. When I say she's mine, I mean it. If she says to me she doesn't want us to be together again, do what you want. Okay?" His blue eyes scowl at me.

"Well, you guys are broken up, no? Doesn't that mean she doesn't want you?"

"No, it means I fucked up and did stupid shit."


"I hope you know I'm not joking."

"Uhuh." I smirk.

"Nice talk Evan." I squeeze his shoulder tensely. I walk away seeing Adam look at me with a smirk. I stop walking and head over to him. He leans against his locker.

"I know what you're doing." He hums.

"What am I doing?" I ask, looking at him.

"You're psyching out the competition for May's lover."

"There is no competition." I say to Adam who is narrowing his eyes at me.

"Why? Cause you know you're the one she wants?" One of his eyebrows raises at me. "Look, for the past couple of weeks she's been--different. And it's because you broke up with her over fucking text over stupid shit. Now, you want her back? Why?"

"I'm not perfect, far fucking from. But I care about May, believe it or not. All I want is us back together because she gives me this happiness that I haven't had in years. It might be too late for her to forgive my dumb ass, but I just want to at least know that I did everything I could to get her back. If she likes Evan, okay. But I can still try."

"Are you going to at least going to get her flowers?"

"Yes. And almond joy's because Hershey's or regular chocolate hurts her stomach." Adam nods.

"I'm glad you paid attention. She get's bitchy when people give her regular chocolate." Adam murmurs. "She's not going to forgive you easily."

"I know. I don't expect her too."

"Good. And I hope you set Sadie in her place next time she tell's May to kill herself." His eyes darken at me.

"I will."

"Good, now go she's coming." I look over my shoulder and see May. Her blue eyes sad looking. I walk away like Adam said for me to do.

I just hope I get her back.


next chapter should be fun lol

comment goal: 10??

tysm for 30k reads !!!!


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