Forty Six

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"Psst." I hear a voice say close to my ear. My eyes flicker open and Harry is hovered over me. His lips touch my neck. "Are you awake?"

"Uhuh." I yawn. Harry looks back to me and pecks my lips. "Want breakfast?"

"Sure." He kisses me again and I chuckle. "When are your parents coming home?"

"Not till tomorrow or something, don't worry." He kisses the other side of my neck making my insides tingle. My fingers play with the ends of his growing hair. His curls twirl over my finger tips.

His lips go to my collarbones and my teeth graze over my lower lip. My legs clamp together as I feel his hand rest on my waist. His lips go back to mine and he pulls away and smirks.

"Why are your legs clamped?" Harry asks. His voice deep.

"Why can't they?" I ask.

"But why are they?" My eyes scowl at him, and he scowls his back. I release a chuckle and so does he. His hand pushes my knees open and I stare at him. His eyes meet mine.

He leans down and brushes his lips against mine teasingly. I lean up more and press my lips against his. He fits himself between my legs and presses himself against me.

His hands hold my head as kisses me. Tingles fill my body as his hand brushes up and down my skin. I feel Harry's tongue enter my mouth making our kiss seem more intimate. He pulls away a few minutes later and presses his forehead against mine.

"We should stop." His voice is low. His eyes meet mine. He pecks my lips gently. "Want to do you want for breakfast?"

"What's the cook making?"

"I'm the cook today." Harry says making me laugh. "You like to mock my parent's staff I see."

"It's funny, I'm sorry." I kiss his cheek. "Whatever you'd like to make."

"Okay." He detaches himself from me and gets out of his bed. I sit up and get up as well. "I'll meet you downstairs." He says before leaving. I nod gently.

I put on my leggings that I wore yesterday. I wasn't planning on spending the night, Harry convinced me when I was about to leave since it was late. He also let me borrow some clothes.

I put the clothes Harry let me use in his hamper. I put on my socks and stand from his bed. The photo of him and Lily catch my eye. She is beautiful looking.

The thing that always catches my eye is the smile on his face while looking at her. You can see the love in his eyes. I pick at my lower lip and leave his room shortly after.


"It's almost done." Harry says while making French toast. I nod and lean against the counter beside him. "What are you doing for Thanksgiving?"

Thanksgiving is this weekend. I go back to school next week, which I'm thankful for. I'm glad we have a small break.

"Nothing." I say. "You?"

"My family is coming over, as always." Harry looks up from the pan and to me. "I never understood why your parents don't come home for Thanksgiving."

"They only care about Christmas. That's when my aunts and crap come over."

"What about Ellie?"

"She's going over her friends house, Sadie is coming here I assume. She does every year."

"And you're just going to be home alone?" Harry asks.

"Yep. I don't care, I hate holidays."

"Even Christmas?"

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