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Harry POV

I walk down the school hallway on Thursday. I had a AP English class to go to today. I wanted to rip out my ear drums, the teacher is so annoying. 

I stop in my tracks when I see May talking to some guy. She points down the hall in front of them and says something. He's standing fairly close to her making a pit to form in my stomach. They boy smiles at her and walks away. May closes her locker.

"Hey May." I greet her.

"Oh, hi." She says kindly.

"Who was the boy?"

"A new junior. H-Hewanted to k-know where the Chemistry room was." Of course he's in her grade.

"Do you think he's cute?" I ask curiously. Her eyebrows furrow.

"You okay?" She chuckles. "What's w-with the million questions?"

"I'm just being a friend, a good one. He doesn't look nice." He did, but I just don't like him.

"He wasn't rude, kind of nice toward me. Which is a first." She bites her lip. A pit of anger forms in me. I bite down on my jaw.

"So you like him?"

"I just met him." May laughs. "And I doubt I'll see him again. Or if I do, I'd doubt he'll remember me, and I doubt I'll remember him."

"So you don't like him?"

"I'm going to go to my car now, because you're acting weird."

"I'm just being a good friend." I smile gently.

"Uhuh. I'll text you later, maybe."

"Maybe? Why maybe?"

"I have AP work, I might be busy. You alright?"

"I'm fine, why?"

"You're acting really strange today."

"I'm fine, have fun with the homework." She nods and walks away. I walk down the hallway that leads to the science rooms to grab my work from one of my teachers. I didn't feel like going to class one day so I'm behind.

I see the guy May was talking to. He's leaving a chemistry room.

He looks like a prick.

"Are you friends with that girl?" He asks me before I step into the science room.

"What girl?" I ask, my voice defensive.

"The some-what short, cute one with blue eyes and brown hair. You were talking to her."

"Yeah, what about her?"

"Is she single?" My eyes narrow at him and I bite down on my jaw.


"Because she's cute." A smirk crawls on his lips. "If I have time, I can get her number still."

"She's not single." I blurt out.

"Oh, really?" I nod.

"Yeah, she's with someone."

"That sucks. I guess I just have to wait. Thanks man."

"What's your name?" I ask.

"Evan." I nod.

"I'm Harry." He nods back at me and walks away.

What the hell did I just do?


I come home and shrug loudly. "Fuck." I mutter.

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