Twenty One

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Harry: good afternoon :)

Harry: how are you? I hope well

Harry: :(

Harry: you're still not replying?

Harry: :(

Harry: it's been almost a week

Harry: and i miss you

Harry: a lot

Harry: :(

Me: you're spamming my phone

Harry: it's for a good cause

Me: ...

Harry: i miss you

Me: i heard

Me: well

Me: in this case read

Harry: :(

Harry: I'm sorry for what i said

Me: ??

Harry: ....

Harry: about the girlfriend thing

Me: oh

Me: we aren't in a relationship so

Harry: but we're going out

Harry: and that leads to us being bf and gf

Me: okay?

Harry: it's still messed up to say

Me: good to know

Harry: what are your plans for today?

Me: things

Harry: what are these things

Me: things

Harry: :(

Harry: I'm sorry for snapping

Harry: i'm just not ready to talk about what you heard

Me: could've just said that i wouldn't have pushed it

Harry: ....

Me: just saying...

Harry: can we hangout today?

Me: i have things to do

Harry: which are?

Me: things...

Harry: so, nothing?

Me: I said

Me: things

Harry: you won't tell me these things

Me: why do you want to know?

Harry: because

Harry: i want to hangout with you today

Harry: bc i miss you can all

Me: ....

Harry: so, can i come over?

Harry: :()

Me: wtf is :()

Harry: a happy sad face

Me: you're so stupid

Harry: :))

Harry: I'll be there in 15


"So, how are you?" Harry asks me as he ruffles his hair. His green eyes look at me.

"Decent, you?" I pull the sleeves of my hoodie down to my hands and bite my lip.

"I'm okay." He sits across from me on my bed. His hand rests on my knee. Light shivers go up my spine. "I'm sorry."

"I know."

"I just wanted to say it again. Because you may still be mad at me, deep down."

"Okay." I murmur. Harry leans into me and kisses my cheek. His head presses against my neck. I feel his lips kiss my skin gently.

"Can we just move past what happened?"

"Okay." He chuckles against me. Harry faces me and cups my cheeks.

"I'm taking that as a yes."


"Stop saying okay." I chuckle. His lips peck mine softly. I won't admit this to him but I've missed him.

His thumb strokes my cheek. "I'm sorry May." I lick my lips and nod. "Do you forgive me? Like really forgive?" I look away from his stare and debate. "I'll make it up to you."

I look back to him. My eyes soft. He pulls me into his chest. My head is pressed against him and his hands grip onto me. "I missed you." I don't say anything. I just let him hold me, which isn't something we ever really did. It's different.

"Did you miss me at all?" Harry asks.

"No." I mumble. He laughs.

"Don't worry, I know you did." I roll my eyes playfully and take a deep breath.


We've spent the whole day inside. It started raining a few hours ago.

Harry lays next to me. His eyes look into mine and his fingers play with mine. "Why do you wear makeup?" Harry asks me. His voice questioning.

"I don't." I laugh. His eyes widen.

"You're lying."

"I'm being honest." I poke his dimple. His fingers trace over my skin. Even my eyelid making me laugh. His eyes meet mine.

"You're so fucking beautiful." My heart stings and my eyes soften. Harry kisses me. I kiss back. My hands hold his waist and for once I let myself not worry about anything. His lips are soft against mine. My nerves settle by his lips kissing mine slowly.

Harry pulls away. I bite my lip. "Be my girlfriend." I hear him saying. "Be mine."

I've never had so many emotions hit me as fast as now. "You want me to be y-your g-girlfriend?" I stammer. Harry nods.

"I do."

"Really?" He smiles gently.

"Yes." He kisses my cheek then the point of my noise. "Not talking to you for a week made me realize how much you mean to me." His fingers twirl the ends of my hair.

"Okay." I bite my lip. A small smile curves on his mouth

"You'll be my girlfriend?" I nod. His lips kiss mine again.

"Don't make me regret saying yes." I murmur lowly.

"I won't baby."


hello :)

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