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Harry POV

"Where are you off to?" I hear my Moms voice ring behind me.

"A friends house." I say as I look at her.

"Who's the girl?" She asks curiously. An amused smile on her thin lips.

"What girl?" I chuckle.

"Who's the girl you're seeing?" My Mom rephrases her sentence. She leans against the door frame.

"No girl." I lie. Well, I'm seeing May, but it's not the way my Mom is assuming.


"Why would you think that?" I ask.

"You've never looked in a mirror that long to make sure you look good, if you aren't trying to impress someone." She hums.

"That's not true." Her eyes narrow at me. "How's it bad that I want to look decent?"

"It's not." She chuckles. "It's cute to see you all excited to see a girl." She grins. "I haven't see that since Lily."

"Don't bring her up." I murmur. My voice becomes tense. "Anyways, I'm going to head out." I turn around and see my Mom staring at me. "What? Do I smell?"

"No, you smell fine Harry." She smiles gently. "Do you like her?"

"As a friend, yeah."

"Nothing more?"

"Why would I?" I ask. Her light brown eyes look at me.

"You tell me. Have fun." My Mom kisses my cheek and leaves my room. "Be home before seven for dinner."


May and I start to finish the movie we started a few days ago. Her light blue eyes are focused on the screen. Her lip is between her teeth. I've noticed she does that a lot.

A large bowl of popcorn rests between us as we watch the film. I like the movie, it's pretty interesting. "I don't find this realistic." May says aloud. She looks to me.

"It's a movie." She chuckles as do I.

"S-Still." She murmurs. We both look back to the screen to see the two main characters making on a train. May puts popcorn in her mouth a looks away. I smile slightly.

I've been noticing a lot of things about her. Like the light sun freckles on the bridge of her noise. Little ones rest under her eyes as well. I don't know why I know these things, but I do.

Looking at her she reminds me nothing of Sadie. They look nothing a like. Maybe if her sisters hair wasn't died I would notice slight resemblances. Their noses are different, their smiles, the shade of blue in their eyes, everything. You wouldn't even picture them as sisters.

I snap out of my staring and put popcorn in my mouth. It's hard to focus on the movie when my thoughts are draining my brain.

May isn't ugly. Far from. Way from. She's beautiful. I don't know why she thinks other wise. Maybe it's because the whole school bullies her? My subconscious chimes in.

"Ew." She mutters under her breath. They're sucking face again.

"Ew?" I ask her. An amused smile on my lips.

"I hate the sound of kissing on TV." She cringes. I laugh. "Isn't it gross sounding?"

"I've never really paid much mind to it." I admit. Her plump bottom lip goes between her front teeth.

I've noticed that she doesn't have that nervous stutter around me as much. Sometimes she does, but it isn't as bad. I like that she's getting used to me, and not being nervous.

We both reach for popcorn at the same time. Our hands touch each other's making me look to her. "Oh, sorry." She pulls away from my hand. Her hand is warm and soft against mine.

"It's fine." I say, looking at her. Her blue eyes meet mine briefly before returning back to the movie. She fast forward through another intense make out scene.

"Jesus Christ." She mutters. I smile as I put popcorn in my mouth. She resumes the film with confusion. "Wait, what happened?"

"You went to far." An explosion happens.

"Whatever." She leaves the movie and I laugh.


"You watch Dexter?" I ask her. I see it on her most recently watched.

"Y-yeah. Before bed sometimes."

"What season are you on?"

"Four, you?"

"Four, episode five."

"I'm on episode six." She smiles gently. She clicks on Dexter and goes back an episode for me to catch up. She presses play and my eyes glue to the screen.


"Woah it's dark out." I say as I peer out the window. It's six now, I came over at one. We binge watched Dexter, and ate loads of popcorn.

She laughs. "Wow." She puts the empty bowl on the floor and lays down. I see a crate near her desk. Records inside of it. I slide off her mattress and head to them.

"Mind if I take a look?"

"Go for it." She says, laying on her forearms.

I go through them and see different arrangements of music. From Fleetwood Mac, to John Mayer. "You like John Mayer?" I ask her, taking out one of my favourite albums of him. Battle Studies is an amazing record.

"I love his music. I have all of his albums." She tells me. "Uh, Battle Studies is my favourite."

"It's mine too." May slides off her bed and heads over to me.

"What's your favourite song in the album?" May asks me. Her eyes look up.

"Assassin." We both say at the same time. We both break out into a smile.

"Continuum is my second favourite." May says, pulling it out. "I don't have a favourite song, I love all of them. As well as all of his other albums." She chuckles.

"I saw him live last year. It was amazing." I say, looking at her.

"I'd die to see him preform Dreaming with a Broken Heart or Gravity live." She smiles, tracing her fingers along her albums. I continue looking through them.

"Hm, Sleeping with Sirens."

"Of course. Madness is a great record."

"My favourite on that album is Heroine."

"That and November are mine."

"What's your favourite Fleetwood Mac song?"

"On which album?"

"Doesn't matter." She huffs.

"Uh, that's hard." May bites her lower lip, making me stare. "The Chain, Dreams, and the whole Rumours a-album." I smile at her.

"You have great taste in music." I complement her.

"Thank y-you." She murmurs lightly.

"I hate to go, but I have to be home for dinner." She nods.

"Have fun." May smiles. Her cheekbones visible.

"Thanks." I chuckle. "Don't go on with Dexter without me."

"I can't promise anything." She smirks. I run my hand through my hair nervously and grin gently before leaving her house.


Another update as promised (:

Comment goal: 10??

Comment your opinion of this book so far! I'm curious :p


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