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I've been staying at Adam's house for the week. I can't see Sadie and think everything is fine. Ellie has been messaging me non stop. I haven't answered her. I don't feel like talking to anyone.

I shut my locker before homeroom and see Dylan. I sigh. "Have you thought about it?" He asks.

"I already s-said no." I tell him, pressing my books against my chest. He steps closer toward me making me extremely uncomfortable. I can feel his breath on my skin.

I step back and see someone gently pull him away. "Dylan, we have to go to the soccer meeting before homeroom." I hear Harry's voice say.

"Coach knows I signed up already."

"It's mediatory." Dylan shrugs and walks away. Harry doesn't making me feel uncomfortable again. I begin to walk.

"Did he touch you or anything?" I ignore him and keep walking. "May, it's a simple question." My breaths are uneven. He pulls my arm back and I move away quickly.

"What do you need?" I snap.

"I just wanted to know-"

"Why do you even care, Harry?" I ask finally.

"I'm just asking." Harry says, looking at me. It falls silent between us. "At dinner-"

"Don't even bring it up." I cut him off.

"I just wanted to know if you're okay."

"Anything else?" I dismiss his question.

"N-no." I walk away after. I feel like I can breath again. I look to my side and see Evan talking to some girl name Jen. They're holding hands and both are smiling. I keep walking until I get to homeroom.


"You're a life saver." I hear Evans peppy voice comment next to me.


"I've been asking out Jenny for months and she finally said yes because she was jealous of us for some reason." I chuckle lowly.

"Glad I could help?" I glance at Evan who is smiling widely.


Adam and I lay on his bed after school. We face each other and talk. "So," Adam says. "How do you feel?"

"Okay, you?"

"Fine, I guess." He murmurs. "Do you miss Harry?" It's been a month and a half since we broke up.

"Yeah." I frown. "I wish I didn't."

"Why?" Adam says with furrowed eyebrows. "It's normal to be sad after a break up, May." It all seems so unreal to me that we're not together anymore. I'm used to his weird texts and our conversations about god knows what. Or us cuddling...

"I know." I murmur. "I just didn't want it to happen."

"You liking him? Or..."

"Me liking someone so much I care that they hurt me." I say to Adam. "I never wanted to get that close to Harry a-and let him know me. I knew in the end I would fuck up somehow and he'd move on to someone better." Adam's eyes soften.

"It wasn't all your fault." His voice hums.

"If I just stopped-"

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