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"Tom!" I hear a loud laugh say happily.

I swear if they're fucking in the kitchen I'm going to be done.

I step into the kitchen, it's noon, and I see Sadie and her boyfriend. She's wearing his shirt and he's shirtless.

"Did we wake you?" Sadie asks.

"No, well last night yeah." I mumble. "I just wanted breakfast." I say. Her boyfriend moves away from the fridge. I grab the milk then go into the cabinet to grab my cereal.

"Sorry." Sadie says. Her face heats. "Well, uh you've met Tom right?" She asks.

Tom smiles gently at me. "No. Hi, I'm uh May. I would shake your hand but I don't know where it's been." Sadie's face turns a darker shade of red. "I'll leave you guys alone now." I take my bowl and head upstairs.


"Did you get any sleep?" Ellie asks while stepping into my room. I hit pause on my TV.

"Nope." I shrug. She sits down beside me and sighs.

"Do you hear them do it every weekend?" Ellie asks.

"Every other weekend." I huff.

"Ew." I chuckle while eating my cereal. Her blue eyes burn on me.

"What?" I ask.

"Have you talked to Harry?"

"Not since two weeks ago." I say honestly. His birthday is next week. He'll be 19.

"Are you guys broken up?" She asks curiously.

"On a break." I put my spoon in my mouth after. Ellie nods and we hear Sadie scream with laughter again. I sigh.

"I don't know how you deal with that every other weekend." Ellie shrugs while leaning back.

"Usually I'm not here when that happens. It's weird to be back to listening to this." I explain shortly.

"Where are you then?" Ellie asks with a smirk. I roll my eyes playfully.

"Adam's house." I lie.

"Uhuh." Ellie laughs. "So you guys spent the night together then?"

"Yeah. Is that weird?" I ask. She smiles.

"No, it's cute." I bite my lip and eat my cereal. "Would you only sleep over his house?"

"No, he would be over here too." I say casually.

"How?" Ellie laughs

"I have a ladder outside my window." Her eyes widen.

"You would sneak him in?"

"I guess." I mutter. "It's not like we did anything anyways, so." I finish off my cereal.

"Uhuh." My eyes narrow at her and she giggles. "Wanna go to the mall?" Ellie asks.

"For what?" I ask.

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