Twenty Three

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"This is stupid." I say to Adam who is rolling his eyes at me.

Currently me, Ronnie, her boyfriend Max, and Harry are over Adam's house and we're playing pictionary.  It's boys against girls.

Adam's new boyfriend, Parker is in California.

"You're only saying that because you're losing." I mumble things under my breath.

Adam is up to draw and everyone can guess. "This is so fucking funny." He laughs while looking at the card.

He begins to draw. "What the hell is that?" Ronnie interjects.

"Wait you bitch."

"A Nun?" Harry says after a few moments. Adam nods indicating for them to keeps going.

"May!" Ronnie says loudly.

"Yes!" They high five and I look at Adam.

"How is that a card?"

"It was the month May." I scowl my eyes at him. My two friends laugh and I roll my eyes.

"You're up." I say to Ronnie who rolls the dice. I catch a look from Harry. He smiles gently at me. I bite my lip and look to my partner who is beginning to draw.


"I told you we would win." Adam gloats while we clean up.

"You have an extra person."

"You just suck at pictionary."

"I do not."

"Uhuh." I nudge him and put the lid over the game.

"Need help with anything?" I hear Harry's voice ask.

"Nope, we're all done." I turn around and face Harry.

"So, Harry is May still a nun?"

"Is that a way of asking me if we've..." I cut him off.

"Ew, Adam. Stop asking weird questions."

"How's that weird? Well, that answered my question if you're a nun or not." I scrunch my face. Harry chuckles. He stands beside me.

"Stop calling me a nun."

"Not until you do the deed." I shrug. "Which is never going to happen with the way you're going. You cringe at the word sex." I hear Harry snicker beside me. I nudge him and roll my eyes.

"Can we change the topic? Yes?"

"Fine. What else will make you grossed out?" Adam jokes. His phone rings. "Oh, it's my boyfriend. I'll be right back." He excuses himself and that leaves Harry and I alone.

"Thanks for inviting me. I had fun." I nod.

"Anytime." I smile gently. He leans down and pecks my lips. They're soft and delicate feeling. "I'm going to a party tonight, so if I don't answer my phone, that's why." I nod.

"Have fun." I say with a gentle smile.

"Thanks." I bite my lip nervously. "I'm going to head out and help set up. Tell Adam I said thank you."

"Will do." He pecks my lips again.

"I'll text you later." I nod. His hands cup my cheeks. "Why do you look nervous?"

"I'm always nervous. I'm the definition of nervous." Harry cracks a smile.

"Do you think I'm going to cheat on you or something?"

"No. I wasn't thinking that."

"Then what?"

"It's just my mind being all good and not fun. So instead of thinking oh fun drinking it's like oh fun killing brain cells because you're underage and your brain hasn't fully developed yet."

"It's good to know you're secretly judging me." Harry says with a gentle smile.

"I'm not." I defend. "You asked why I looked nervous and I explained it, in a way that made me seem like a un-fun person. Which I am. So, have fun at the party." Fuck I'm rambling.

"Okay, thank you." He chuckles. "You're not un-fun."

"Yeah, okay. I just basically told you have fun killing brain cells." Harry laughs making me crack a small grin. His arms wrap around me.

"I think that's your way of caring, so thanks." I chuckle.

"Anytime." He kisses me again.

"Get a room." I hear Adam remark. Harry and I pull away and I look to Adam, he's smiling.


I sit in my room the same night. My TV is on and a bowl of popcorn is on my lap.

Harry: at the party, my phone is going to be off

Me: ok, have fun

Me: do you have a designated driver??

Harry: ...

Harry: do you think i get shit faced?

Me: no?

Harry: I have 1 or 2 beers and see other people get wasted

Harry: I have a high tolerance so it doesn't effect me

Me: oh fun

Me: still

Harry: smh

Me: what?

Harry: you're such a goody tooshoo

Me: thanks?

Harry: you need to relax moreee

Harry: you're only 17 may

Harry: stop worryingggg

Me: don't say that to be when you have alcohol poisoningggg

Harry: may

Me: yes?

Harry: stop

Me: stop what?

Harry: just stop

Me: :(

Harry: i'm gonna turn off my phone now

Harry: i'll text u tomorrow

I lock my phone and sink in my bed. I always seem like a goody tooshoo when it comes down to stuff I've never done. Like drinking. I lecture Adam all the time because he goes to parties and gets drunk.

I guess it's my way or caring.


I'm on winter break, so that means more updates :)

comment goal: 10???

make sure to leave a vote :)

tysm for 20k reads


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