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I hear my doorbell ring. I sigh loudly and roll out of bed.

I don't want to summer to end. I hate school, mostly the people. But, I shouldn't worry. I have 2 months left.

I pull back the door and see a tall boy with bright green eyes staring down at me. "Hey, is Sadie home?" Harry asks kindly.

"Uh, no. S-she's out." I say. I bite my lip after. "Um, she should be home s-soon, though. If y-you wanted to w-wait." I hate that I can't stop stuttering.

"Okay, cool." I let him in. I close the door when he enters. "Sorry, about how your sister treated you the other week. That wasn't cool."

"You shouldn't be s-saying sorry." I say calmly. "Uh, I'm us-used to it anyways."

"She's even like that when no one is around?" Harry asks curiously.

"Yeah." I answer timidly.

"Can I ask you something?" His eyes meet mine.


"I'm not judging you, or making fun of you but is your stutter a nervous one? Or like a everyday one? If that makes sense."

"Both." I say. He nods.

"Does it happen when you're around new people?"

"Yeah, o-or people I don't know really." I answer. I bite my lip after. He smiles. "What?" I ask.

"I've known Sadie for years, and never talked to you."

"That's p-probably a good t-thing."


"I'm not interesting, i-if you can't tell. Also, my s-sister would give you uh, crap."

"I can handle your sister. She thinks she's tough, but she's far from." He cracks a smile. "And for you, I bet you are interesting, you just don't like to come off like it."

"There's h-honestly nothing cool about me. Y-you're not missing much." His eyes stare at me. Is he actually listening to what I'm saying?

"I'll figure you out eventually." A gentle smirk goes on his lips. The door opens and my sister walks in.

"Ew, Harry why are you talking to May?"

"Nice to see you too Sadie. How was your day?" Harry changes the topic.

I slip out of the hallway and walk upstairs. I hope I didn't sound like an idiot. That's all I need is for him to think.


Later that day I do my usual binge watch on Netflix. I'm starting to run out of shows.

Adam: hey

Adam: it's been 5 minutes bitch

Adam: you reply quick usually wtf


Adam: hehe that sounds like maybe

Me: what?

Me: Stop making puns about my nameee

Adam: whatever

Adam: wyd , i'm bored

Me: about to get food

Adam: what food?

Me: idk pizza or something

Adam: can i join?

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