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Adam: what up my hoe

Me: ...

Me: i'm not a hoe

Adam: ._.

Adam: oh yea you're a nun

Me: smd

Adam: wyd

Me: going over Harry's house

Adam: wait

Adam: his house

Me: yea

Adam: oh god

Adam: it's time

Me: ???

Adam: you're getting that dick

Me: wtf

Me: we're just friends

Adam: remember

Adam: no glove no love

Me: smfh

I get into my car and toss my phone in the passengers side.


"So, this isn't a mansion?" I ask Harry who is showing me around. His eyes glare at me and I chuckle. "Your house is bigger than my future." He laughs this time. I swear he's shown me 5 living rooms.

"Lastly is my room." He opens the door. The walls are white and his blanket is navy blue. It looks thick and comfy. A TV is on his wall and a desk is in the corner. A bookcase is near his bed as well.

"Nice room." I compliment, looking around.

"Oh, thanks. Not as neat as yours though." I crack a smile. "Wanna watch TV?"

"Yeah sure." He turns on his TV and sits down on his bed. I sit down as well. The mattress is so comfy. Like extremely comfortable.

"Where the hell did you get this bed from?"

"Not sure, my parents got it." He grins. "Comfy right?"

"My bed is a rock compared to this, damn." His green eyes meet mine briefly. I break away from his stare and look back to the TV that has Netflix loading.


Harry and I are both dying from this comedy we're watching. We took a break from Dexter and decided on some movie that looked dumb.

I wipe my eyes that have tears and try to calm myself down. "Oh god." I hear Harry say as he's trying to regain a steady breath. "I haven't laughed this hard in ages."

I take a deep breath and chuckle.

"Oh, you have butter on your neck area." Harry says. I look down and try to find it.


"Near your collarbone area."

"Collarbone area?" I chuckle. I try to look for it still and Harry laughs at me.

"Here I got it." He takes a napkin and wipes it off. I was looking at that area too.

"Thanks." I wipe my eyes.

"Yeah." His eyes look into mine again. His voice turns lower. The distance between us is small, and I feel a pit form in my stomach.

His head tilts into mine making me freeze up. As his lips are about to touch mine I pull away. His face heats.

"Oh god." He murmurs. "D-Do you not feel the same way?" Worry in his eyes.

No, I do.

"I-It's not that." I murmur lowly. "I-I should probably go." I slip off his bed.

"No, May wait." Harry says behind me. As I'm about to leave his room his hand grabs my wrist gently. "I'm sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable."

"It w-wasn't t-that." Fuck my stutter.

"Then what was it?" His eyebrows knit together. "Was that going to be your first kiss?" He jokes. My eyes sting.

"I-I should go."

"Oh god, no May I didn't know." I slip out of his touch and head downstairs. I'm just glad his parents aren't home.

He slides in front of me, blocking the door. "I didn't know, I-I thought you have." That's a first.

"It's fine. The-almost-kiss was probably just the in-the-moment type t-thing." His eyes narrow. "W-What else would it be?"

He remains silent. "What would've it meant to you?" Harry asks me.

"Uh," I itch my head. "I-I um, don't know." I do know. I just don't want to admit it.

"I like you, May." Harry says. I laugh. "Why is that funny?"

"No guy likes me. There is a reason why I haven't had my first kiss."

"But, I like you."

"You're popular a-and probably o-only doing this for a dare, which I get. Why e-else would we be i-in this position right now?"

"I'm not being dared, May." His green eyes look into mine. He bites his lip. "Why can't you see that I have feelings for you?"

"I don't understand why."

"I don't think of you as some freak with problems. Why can't you see that I'm not just this popular guy? Is it because of my reputation with girls?"

"No, it isn't that." I murmur.

"Then what is it?"

"Because I don't see Harry, the guy that likes me. I see Harry, the guy that used to make fun of me with his friends." His eyes fall sad. "I remember the names you used to call me, Harry." His eyes look watery. "So, I don't understand how you can laugh when someone calls me a stuttering retard, and then say you have feelings for me."

"I'm not proud of that version of me. I'm not. But, I'm not that asshole anymore, okay? I-I promise. I'm sorry for what I said, or acted then. I am. I really, truly am." He steps toward me. "Please just let me show you."

Before I know it, my first kiss happens before me. I feel my body stiffen and my nerves rack up.

When he pulls away I look away from him. "May-"

"I-I have to go." I slip out of the house and try to calm down my anxiety.

What the hell just happened?


Hello :)

Tysm for 5k reads :)



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