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For future chapters

* = smut

okay that's all lol ;)


*I rewrote the smut*



Tomorrow is school.

Tomorrow I want to never come.

The thought of walking into a building of a building of everyone I practically hates make me sick.

Besides that, Harry and I are going out. To where? I don't know.

I slip on my converse that are black and pull my hair into a messy bun. I see his car pull to the curb and that's my cue to leave. Sadie is out which is a relief.

I open the door to his car and get in. "Hola." Harry greets with a smile.

"Ciao." A smirk crawls on his lips. He leans in and kisses me. Soon he drives away.


"So," I start. "Where exactly are we going?"

"A place." Harry smiles. I poke his dimple that shows on his cheek. He chuckles at me and I crack a smile. His eyes glance to me. "You look beautiful by the way."

"You don't look too bad yourself." He kisses me and looks back to the road. I rest my head on his shoulder and stare at the road. Our fingers play with one another. I play with the rings on his long fingers. "Your hands are big." I laugh.

"That's not the only thing." His voice deepens. I nudge him and a snicker leaves his lips. Soon he parks the car. My eyebrows furrow.

It's an empty lot in the middle of no where. The lot is just sand. "We have a bit of walking to do." Harry reads my mind.

"Okay." We exit his car. "Are you planning on killing me?" I joke making him laugh.

"How'd you know?"

"I have a feeling for these things I guess." His hand intertwines with mine and we begin walking down this nature path.

I look up at Harry and furrow my eyebrows. "You got taller." I say out loud.

"Hm, you noticed?"

"I'm a midget, of course I did."

"You're my midget though." I shake my head and nudge him. "What's the tallest girl you've been with?" I ask curiously.

"Uh, I don't remember who, but she was up to my nose." I nod.


"You're the shortest girl I've dated though."

"Thanks, I tried." I'm literally under his shoulders. Not at his shoulders. I don't make it.

"What are you like 5 foot 3? 4?"

"Five foot two." I mutter. Harry laughs and I slap his chest. "Don't make fun. I'm short enough to kick your balls."

His arms wrap around me and he kisses my cheek. "I like that you're short, it's okay."

"You don't want me to be at your eyebrows?" I ask.

"That's no fun. I like you the height you are." His lips peck mine. We continue walking.

"How was Thanksgiving?" I ask Harry. My eyes look up at him.

"It was good. Sadie is starting to ask when she can meet my girlfriend." His eyes glance down to me. My face heats.

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