Twenty Eight

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"Have you guys talked?" Adam asks me as we sit in his room.

"No." I murmur. I let out a deep breath and close my eyes.

"Maybe he's still mad?" Adam comes up with. I look at him.

"It's been two weeks." I say. My friend bites his lip an tries to smile. "I fuck up everything."

"It wasn't just you May. It was him as well."

"I'm the one that went there. I'm the one who kept pushing." I say, laying down. My heart pinches.

"He was acting like a tool too. He acted like he did nothing wrong." Adam defends. "He'll text."

"I doubt it. Why would he? I'm a piece of shit to be with." He throws a pillow at my head.

"You're not a piece of shit. You're both equally had something to do with the argument."

"You mean us breaking up?" I glance up at my friend. "It's probably not even a big deal to him anyways. He'll move on to a cheerleader who's lean and fit. And I'll go back to dying alone." I smile sadly.

"You'll die with me and Ronnie by your side then."

"Thanks." I murmur. I raise the the volume on the TV.


"Hey May." I see Dylan standing by my locker.

"Hi." I murmur. He smiles at me. "Something y-you uh, need?" My eyebrows furrow.

"No," He pauses. "well, I was wondering if you wanted to go out with sometime." I bite my lip, trying to refrain a laugh. I see Harry walking down the hall making my stomach turn.

"Um," Dylan moves closer toward me making me take a step back.

"C'mon. It will be fun. I always thought you were cute." His eyes scan my body, he smirks.

"Move it water buffalo you're blocking my locker." Adam snarls to Dylan. Dylan moves away to the side so Adam can go to his locker. I look to the boy looking annoyed. "I'm sorry, was I interrupting?"

"A bit." He says. I glance past Dylan and see Harry talking to Melissa. She's pretty, like extremely. Every guy wants to be with her. "So, is that a yes?" Dylan looks to me. My eyes are on Harry who brushes a piece of hair behind her ear then cups her face. A smirk on his lips.

I feel like crying, fuck.

"I-I'm not looking f-for a um, relationship." I manage to say. "I have to get to class." I say while closing my locker and walking away.

"May, wait!" I hear Adam call. He pulls me back. "I'm out of shape and I can't run after your ass." I stand still. "It's your lunch period."

"I know." I mumble. He stands in front of me and looks over my shoulder. Adam's eyes look back to me. His eyes soon soften.

"Awe, May."

"Do you still think he's going to text? I don't feel like staying in school, I'm going home."

"I'l stop by later."

I walk away and feel thoughts fog up my mind. I bump into someone in the process. "Oh jeez, I'm sorry." I blink a few times and see Evan.

"No, it's my fault. I should've been paying attention." He picks up my phone that fell.

"No crack, that's good."

"Y-Yeah." I smile gently.

"You okay? You look a bit flustered."

"I, uh don't feel that well. I'm prone to getting sick." I say, he smiles gently.

"Well, I could've say this last time but I want to be friends with you. I wanted to ask for you number but your boyfriend got protective. Which, I would've too." He cracks a small smile.

"Ex." I mutter.

"Oh, fuck. I'm sorry."

"But, uh. Yeah sure." I smile gently. I type my number into his phone. I have nothing to lose by having a friend.

"If it helps he's stupid to let you go."

"D-Doubt it. He's p-probably b-better off." I murmur.

"I don't think so." His eyes leave mine and go behind me. "I'm going to go now. Your uh ex is scaring me a bit. But feel better. I'll text you later." I nod. Evan walks away. I turn away and see Harry's eyes burn on me.

I turn back around and walk away. I feel my heart pinch more. The image of him and Melissa repeats in my head.


I sit in my bed Tuesday night and scroll through my Nexflix recently watched. I see Dexter that is unfinished. My heart pinches at that was something Harry and I would watch together.

A number pops up on my screen.

765-009-9869: heyy it's evan :)

Me: hola

Evan: wyd?

Me: debating what to watch on netflix, you?

Evan: nm.

Evan: you should watch criminal minds, law and order if that's still on there, or the killing

Me: watched all

Evan: wtf really?

Me: i gots no life what can i say

Evan: mememe

Me: hahaha

Me: brb i have to grab my charger

I left my charger downstairs in my book bag. I head downstairs and hear Harry and Sadie talk. "There are rumors that you and Melissa are a thing."

"I'm working on it."

"What about that April girl? You seemed to really like her."

"I did."

"Then what happened?" I grab my charger and head back up the steps, still listening.

"She's in college, and I hardly saw her. It's whatever."

"But the way you talked about her seemed more than whatever."

"She's nothing Sadie, drop it." Harry chuckles. My heart pinches. "Anyways, Melissa is more my type. I heard she's a freak in the bedroom too." I head upstairs with tears clouding my eyes.

Me: wanna hangout?

Evan: yeah sure :)


like promised, double update :))

comment whatcha think

comment goal: 20??


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