Sixty Seven

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I convinced Adam to text Todd. They're going out tonight, which is good. I want Adam to be happy.

I'm currently in the kitchen making myself soup for dinner. Footsteps come behind me and I hear Sadie's voice talk.

"I'm going out, if Mom calls say I'm at Bella's." I nod. There's a big party tonight so of course Sadie's going.

"Have fun." I mutter.

"Thanks." After that she leaves. Ellie is out with her boyfriend who is in town.

I hear the door close and I sigh to myself.

Harry POV

I'm drunk.

So drunk I don't know what I'm doing. I can barely think, and I like it this way.

The music pounds through my ears and I sip my vodka. Brad walks over to me. He's wobbling.

"What do you want?" I manage to say.

"Look," He pokes my chest. "Back off when I talk to May." Just her name makes my heart pinch.


"In art class, when I talk to her, don't come and talk to us, okay?" Brad slurs most of his sentence.

"Why?" I ask with a soft chuckle.

"Because I want to fuck her. And for that I need her to trust me." I chug the rest of my drink and put my empty cup on the table.

"Why do you want to be with her?"

"Not be with her." Brad laughs. "I want to fuck her and move on. Imagine how much she'd be laughed at if that goes around."

"Why? Because you have a 2 inch dick?" His brown eyes scowl at me and a smile grows on my lips. My head becomes heavy.

"No dick head." He pokes my chest harshly.

"Fuck with someone else." I slur. "Maybe someone your type."

"May is my type. Big boobs, nice ass, short, and innocent."

"Walk away." I push him back.

"Is Harry jealous?" Brad smirks.

"She's mine I'm not fucking jealous." I spit. Brad stands around me still. "Walk away."

"No." He mumbles. He tries to walk toward me but he trips on his feet almost. "I just want to use her once."

"She's not something to use, Brad." I say. "She's a person, who you should just leave alone." I feel like it took me a long time to say that sentence.

"Hm, just wait till I have my way with her."

The next couple minutes I honestly don't know what happened.

All I know is that my eye is throbbing as well as my nose and Brad is on the floor bleeding.

Sadie pushes me away from him before I kick his balls. Some people go beside him and see if he's okay.

"What the hell Harry?!" Sadie says loudly. "Are you drunk?"

"Me?" I ask. My voice becoming more slurred.

"You never get drunk at parties." Sadie examines. Soon her eyes soften. "Don't tell me you're using liquor to take your mind off of May."

"What else should I do?" I ask. I reach over and try to take a beer. She snatches it out of my hand and puts it to the side.

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