Thirty Three

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"He came over?" Adam asks me as we do homework.

"Yeah." I sigh.

"Why is that a bad thing?" He chuckles. I glance up at him. His brown eyes looking confused.

"Because he makes me--crazy. Legit crazy. I can barely think when I'm around him." I huff while writing down my answer. Adam stays silent.

"Well, that's what love is."

"We're not in love." I argue. "What we have is far from love."

"May, stop being stubborn." Adam huffs. "You and I both know that he loves you."

"Adam," I look at him. "No. He doesn't not love me and I do not love him." I see his eyes roll.

"Then why does he make you crazy? Why is it hard to think when you're around him?" He asks. "Because you're falling for him just as much as he's falling for you. You're just doing tough love because of what happened."

"I don't even know if it's worth it." I mutter.

"Worth what?"

"Giving him another chance. H-he was laughing at me with his friends so easily, a-and he let his friends ruin my project in art. How's that showing that he's falling for me?" I ask.

"You guys were a secret. And you don't know if his friends were starting to wonder. For all you know he could've done that as a cover."

"Why are you defending him?" I ask.

"Because I like him for you." He speaks. "If he didn't give a rats ass about you he would've just moved on and not tried to get you back. Or he wouldn't admit all that shit to you."


"May, stop over thinking. You want him just as much as he wants you. He wants to move on with you, and you're stuck on what he did."

"I'm not stuck, I'm debating."

"Say yes to one date. If you don't like it then tell him that you don't want to be with him."

"That's the thing Adam. I know I will like the date. I know if I say yes, it's showing him h-how easily I can forgive him and how I'm a push over."

"Or it's showing him that you care about him as he does you. Or it means that you miss him."

"If you forgot, you're my best friend. Why are you acting like I'm over reacting?" I ask, looking at him.

Adam huffs and glares at me. "You have every right to be mad, May. I'm just saying, you're denying the fact that you like him still."

"I'm not denying it." I defend. "I'm just saying, is it worth trying again?"

"Do you want to be with him?" I remain silent and scowl my eyes at him. "It's not like he doesn't know he fucked up or he didn't treat you the best. But, his girlfriend died two years ago so," His eyes narrow at me. "at least he told you the real reason why he was a dick. Give him credit on that."

"Why did he lie at all?" I ask. "Do I come off that fragile?"

"Yes, very." Adam says automatically.

"I'm not though." His eyes stare at me.

"May, you are fragile." I roll my eyes.

"Whatever." I murmur.

"So, what are you doing to do?" I huff.

"I don't know." I murmur. "I'm still thinking on it."

"Don't lead him on though." Adam says.

"I'm not leading him on if I said I'll think about it." I say.

"But, if you say you'll think about it and for two weeks you know you don't want too but haven't told him, it's leading him on."

"Whatever." I murmur.


Merry Christmas / holiday to all of you guys ! I hope you guys got something you asked for :)

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~lauren :p

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