Twenty Seven

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The next week of school, is still bad. I still get things thrown at, made fun of, and whatever mean thing you can think of practically.

It's lunch, and I'm behind the auditorium again. My legs are crossed and I'm playing Piano Tiles on my phone.

"Hello." I look up once I lost and see Harry. A smile on his lips. I'm in his art class I found out on the first day of school.

"Hi." I murmur.

"Whatcha playing?" He sits beside me.

"Piano Tiles." He nods and rests his head on the wall behind us. His hand connects with mine. "I thought you and your friends have the same lunch, no?"

"We do." Harry murmurs. His eyes meet mine.

"Then why aren't you with them?" I ask.

"Because you're here." I tilt my head. "I don't want you to be by yourself a whole period."

"Thanks for caring, but I'm fine. Go hangout with your friends on your time off."

"I also like having this time with you. It's the only part of the school day when I can talk to you."

"Uhuh." He leans down and kisses me.

"Do you ever go into the cafeteria?"

"Nope." I say. I unlock my phone and start playing my game again. Harry watches over me.

My eyes start to get dizzy from looking at the screen. I end up losing again. "Fuck." I close out of the app and huff.

My eyes glance to Harry who is looking at me. "Why do you stare at me?" I ask while nudging him. A smile cracks on his lips.

"Why wouldn't I?"

"Because I'm terrible looking."

"You're beautiful in my eyes May Evans." I roll my eyes playfully and feel him wrap his arms around me. His head on my shoulder.

His lips touch my cheek then my neck. "Has Dylan tired to talk to you?"

"No, but he gives me these looks in the hallways." Harry just sighs and kisses my cheek again.

"Only if he knew you were mine." He mumbles.

"It's for a good reason why we're a secret." I say, looking over my shoulder.

"I know." He twirls my hair with his fingers. He kisses the back of my head and lets out a deep breath. "I'll be hanging out with your sister today after school."

"Fun." He chuckles.

"How's your day?" He asks.

"Same as always. Shitty." Harry sighs. "When you're done hanging out with Sadie did you--" Before I can finish he speaks.

"Yes." I laugh.

"You didn't even know what I was going to say." I say with laughter.

"Did it have something to do with sneaking into your room?"


"Great." He kisses me. "I gotta get back to the cafeteria, I left my shit there."

"Have fun."

"Thank you." He pecks my lips. "You look amazing today by the way."

I look down at my outfit. I'm wearing a hoodie and jeans. I look up at Harry and scowl my eyes. "Are you being serious?"

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