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Me: was my moms dessert not pleasing?

Harry: no, it was very good

Harry: i really liked it

Harry: I'm a stress eater

Me: ha

Harry: please? I'll drive ;)

Me: fine, be down in a minute

I throw on my hoodie that is a Washington State one and put on my converse. I put my phone into my pocket and grab my keys for the house.

I head downstairs.

"Where are you going?" My Dad asks, his voice questioning.

"Going to hangout with Ronnie." He nods.

"Tell her I said hello." I nod and leave my house. I see Harry is in his car looking lost in his thoughts. I slip into the passengers side.


"Thanks for coming with." Harry says as we are seated at the booth. I nod gently.

"Hey May." A happy voice says. I look up and see Adams Mom. She owns the place. "I'll get you your usual?" Her hair is light brown. She has highlights as well that looks nice. They're blonde. Her eyes are the same as Adam's, which is chocolate brown.

"Yes please." I smile. She looks to Harry, then back to me.

"Who's the boy?"

"A friend. His name is Harry."

"Hi Harry. What shall I get ya?" I love Adams Mom. She's so nice and happy.

"Hello, uh, what do you recommend?"

"I'll get you what May is." She smiles. "It will be out shortly."

"Thank you Trish." She nods and gives me a warm smile.

"Are you a regular?" He laughs.

"That's A-Adams Mom."

"Oh." He says. "Okay, I can see that now." I chuckle.

"We usually c-come here and eat dessert." He cracks a smile. "So, why a-are you stressed?"

"I don't want to make you barf."

"Oh Sadie talk." I chuckle.

"She's my best friend and all, and I love her; but man she's a bitch." I bite my lip. "How do you let her treat you like that?"

"If she stops, I'd still be bullied b-by the whole school; s-so it doesn't r-really matter." I sigh.

"How do you do it?"

"I don't k-know." I murmur. "I t-try to n-not let it get to me."


"I try not to think about it." I admit.

"Do you?"

"So-sometimes." I fucking hate my stutter. I scowl to myself.

"You don't have to be mad at yourself because you stutter around me still." Harry notices my frustration. "I'm not making fun."

"Uhuh." I sip my water. Her flicks a straw wrapper at me. I chuckle softly.

"We're still on for tomorrow, right?"


"Cool." He smiles. I stare at his dimples. "So, is your birthday in May?" I roll my eyes playfully.

"No." I murmur.

"When is it?"

"I'm not telling you."

Our desserts come. "Excuse me, do you know May's birthday?"

"May 15th." Trish smiles. I look to her. "Sorry honey. Enjoy." She walks away.

"So, that's cool." He says looking at me.

"No it's not. It was a total l-last minute name."

"It's not a bad name." Harry says eating his ice cream. We both have ice cream over a fudge brownie.

"I get m-made fun of for t-that too." I say.

"C'mon, really?" I nod and put my spoon in my mouth. "Sorry."

"Eh, it's better then getting called other things."

"I guess." He murmurs. "So, how's Ellie doing?" She's a sophomore in College. She goes to UCLA.

"I don't know." I admit. "Sadie k-keeps tabs on her, n-not me."

"She doesn't like you?"

"We h-have nothing in common." I say.

"How so?" Harry asks.

"Well, Ellie was c-cheer captain, a-and popular as well. S-she dated the quarter back o-of the football team. They're still together. Uh, also she w-was prom queen. Sadie and h-her have that crap i-in common."

"Oh fun." He says, making me crack a grin. "Is Ellie nicer towards you?"

"Yeah." I say. "You've met her, no?"

"Yes, many times. I'm just curious to know how she treats you."


"Isn't that what friends do?"


I put the amount on my tab that I pay whenever. Trish is very lenient with me paying.

Harry and I walk out of the diner and we bump into a group of popular kids. My stomach flips.

"Oh look who it is. Stutter freak." One remarks. They all laugh. "Harry? What are you doing with it?"

"What?" Harry asks, his eyebrows furrowed.

"You guys weren't hanging out?" The tall guy with blue eyes says. His voice amused.

"Just leave her alone, Nick." Harry defends. I stare at him.

"What?" I take my chance and walk toward the parking lot. All I need is to be made fun of more. I pull out my phone and check the time. It's nine o'clock.

"Ready to go?" Harry asks me. I get in the car and he drives away.

"You just-"

"What?" Harry looks at me. "They were out of line."

"They're your friends."

"Yeah, and? You're my friend too."

"I would've e-expect you to l-lie."

"Did you want me too?"

"I don't want you to lose y-your friends because of me." I murmur.

"I won't." He smiles. Harry parks in front of my house. "See you tomorrow?"


"Thanks for going out with me--going out to let me vent and eat I mean."

"What e-else would you m-mean?" I raise my eyebrow at him. "See you later." I leave his car and head to my front door.


ahhh tysm for 1k reads!! that's so cool :p

comment goal: 10???


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