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May's dress above ^




Why the fuck did I pick this dress again?

Why did I let Adam convince me this looked good on me?

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

I make sure my eye make up looks decent as well as my hair. I'm so fucking nervous my hands are shaking a bit. I feel fat, and I'm scared that I picked a dress that really does look terrible on me.

I straighten my hair with my fingertips and take a deep breath. Just leave the bathroom and try not to vomit.

I turn off the lights and hear my heels click against the floor. That's a fun sound.

I shake my head at myself and take a deep breath. I leave the bathroom and enter the living room. Harry is looking down at himself and is fixing his tie.

"Need help?" I offer kindly.

"Yeah, I-" He stops while glancing up to me. My face heats so I look away and swallow. "May-" His eyes are wide. I straighten his tie and glance up at him. "You look amazing." I just smile gently. I try to take the compliment, even though I feel other wise. "You don't think so?"

"Not really." I mutter. His hands rest on my hips.

"May I'm so fucking speechless." I bite my lip. He leans down and kisses me. "Like fuck, you look sexy as hell."

"Stop." I look away from his eyes burning on me. His hands grip onto me more. His lips kiss my neck. "You're just being nice."



"I'm being serious. Words can't describe how amazing you look." I look back at him and see he's staring intensely at me. "I can't stop looking at you." His eyes travel down me making my skin burn. "Your ass looks amazing by the way." I laugh and he snickers.

"You look handsome as well." I say while flattening his coat. I poke the dimple peeking through his cheek. "I like your tie."

"Thank you." Harry says while kissing me. "Now, let's get going so I can show my family how amazing you look." I shake my head and he smirks. His fingers intertwine with mine.

"Even with heels I'm still short compared to you." I shrug. Harry looks down at me with a grin.

We step into the elevator and I take a deep breath. "Just remember most of my family is snobby so just keep that in mind when they ask you questions."

"Okay." I chuckle. His fingers play with mine.

"I told you already how stunning you look, right?"


"Okay, just making sure." I nudge him and Harry grins.

We soon enter the ballroom and it's packed with people.

This should be a fun evening.

"Harry!" A happy voice calls. She's shorter than him, but probably still taller than me without heels. They hug and I look around. "You must be May, yes?"

"Yeah, h-hi." I stammer briefly. I shake her hand.

"Hi! I'm Gemma. Harry's sister, I've heard a lot about you."

"You as well." I reply back. She eyes me making me nervous.

"Harry, you didn't mention she's this pretty, jeez." He scoffs and she looks to me with a smirk. Soon Harry's parents join us.

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