Sixty Four (Part One)

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me posting the chapter like ^


May POV {present}

"Harry I said leave me alone!" I exclaim with wide eyes.

"May, please just-"

"Just what? Fucking listen to your excuses? Leave me the fuck alone. I don't want to see you."

May POV {5 hours before}

I'm at Target currently.

I usually hate shopping at places in my town because of the fact that I might bump into someone from school.

But I really needed toothpaste and pads.

Odd combo, I know.

I'm not on my period currently, it just ended. But I ran out. The toothpaste is because I hate asking Ellie to use her's.

I use self check out and quickly try to pay for my items.

"May!" I hear a peppy voice exclaim. I look over my shoulder and see Karen.

Oh god.

"Happy New Year." She lays while leaning against the side of the machine.

"Happy New Year." I murmur. I pay for my stuff and glance up to Karen who is eyeing me.

"I just wanted to tell you that it's pretty bold of you to be with Harry considering." My eyebrows furrow.

"I'm not with Harry." I say.

"He's Harry, of course he's told people about you guys. And you know other stuff." A smirk crawls on her lips. My heart begins to pick up its pace.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I say with a straight face.

"C'mon May, it's just me. Harry and I go pretty back, so he'd tell me that you and him are a thing. But, I'm surprised you still want to be with him." I stare at her blankly. "The bet between him and I. He told you right?"

"What bet?" I ask. She laughs making my face heat.

"He hasn't told you? Wow." I gulp. "Then, I'll let him explain the rest. Have a good day May, but just keep in mind that I know everything you guys did." Karen says happily making me die a little in the inside.

What just happened?


I put my small bag in the passengers side of my car and tap my fingers against my steering wheel.

What she said must've been something to fuck with me, right?

My phone goes off making me jump slightly. I see it's Harry.

Harry: busy?

Me: I gotta finish my English paper

Harry: can you come over at like 3?

Me: sure

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