Twenty Six

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Harry and I lay on his bed after school.

We're listening to music currently. We're sharing earbuds and just relaxing.

"Good song." Harry says as the song fallingforyou by the 1975 comes on.

"You listen to them?"

"Of course." Harry says while looking at me. I smile gently. I stare up and listen to the lyrics don't you see me and I think I'm falling, I'm falling for you .

Harry's fingers play with mine. I look at him and see his eyes were already on me. His eyes look into mine and a gentle smile goes on his lips. The song ends and the song Edge of Desire by John Mayer starts playing.

"You have a good playlist." Harry compliments.

"Thank you." I say. He moves closer to me until our arms are touching and our heads are next to one another. It falls silent between us. We both just listen to the song. Our fingers play with one another as well.

"When is your Mom going to be home?" I ask him.

"Six." Harry says. I nod. I feel his lips touch my cheek then my neck. His lip drags down to the very low part of my neck, making me bite my lip and a shot of warmness spread over me. The earbuds have fell out of our ears by now. His lips just suck at my skin making me feel somewhat relaxed, yet nervous.

What if he wants to have sex already? Or what if he expects us to fool around?

His lips go back to mine. His hands hold my cheeks and his tongue goes into my mouth, making our kiss more intimate. His hands fall to my waist and we continue to kiss.

He moves his lips off of mine. His bright green eyes look into mine making me bite my lip nervously. "You okay?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Just asking." He pecks my lips. He lays back beside me. Our heads next to one another.

I turn off the music that is still playing, then rest my head on Harry's chest. His fingers lace through my hair making me relax. I draw shapes on his chest with my finger tip, causing him to chuckle. I crack a smile. My eyes look to the picture frame on his nightstand. I bite my lip and sit up. His hand drops down my back and his eyebrows knit together.

"Harry can I ask you something?"

"Of course."

"Who's Lily?" His eyes look away from mine and he lets out a deep breath.

"An ex girlfriend of mine." He answers. "Why?"

"I understood from context clues that she's an ex of yours, but like from the argument from Sadie to the photo when I asked, I don't understand."

"Understand what?"

"You say she's an ex of yours, yet you hate when someone brings her up. And you even have a photo of you guys on your nightstand." I bite my lip. "I'm not trying to sound pushy, but I want to know why she's so important to you still. Did she move without telling you? Or cheat?"

He lets out a deep breath. "All of that sounds better then what actually happened." I hear Harry comment. "But, uh, she didn't move or cheat on me. She died." I feel the air leave my lungs and my eyes widen slightly.

"H-How?" I ask.

"She had a form of brain cancer that was to late to cured when they found out she had it." Harry says.

"I'm sorry."

"Thanks." Harry mutters gently.

"Were you in love with her?" I ask. He nods.

"So in love I would propose to her if I could." I see the sadness go in his eyes. I bite my lip. My heart pinches knowing that he'll never think of me that way. "So, it's hard to think about her sometimes because she's gone. But, I keep a photo of her on my nightstand because I don't want to forget what she looks like over time of not seeing her. Sounds stupid, but it's the least I can do."

"It's sweet." I admit.

"Thanks." Harry murmurs. "Anything else you want to know?"

"No, thank you for telling me." I smile gently. He nods. I see the love in his eyes talking about her. I hope one day someone looks like that while talking about me.


short chapter :/


tysm for reading


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