Twenty Four

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I'm over Harry's house currently.

It's the day after the party and he seems normal.

"What did you do with your night?" Harry asks me.

"N-nothing." I say. "How was the uh, party?"

"Fun." He smiles gently. I nod and it falls silent between us. "What's wrong? You look tense--again."

"I'm not tense." I defend.

"Was it because I called you a goody tushu?" 

"I've been called worse." I scoff.

"Because you are one, so I don't know why you would be mad."

"Your compliments really suck." I say to Harry who rolls his eyes.

"It's just you. You don't like to--be young. Wait, that sounded worse." I roll my eyes and move away from him a bit. "May, you know what I mean."

"I'm sorry I don't find binge drinking every Friday night until I get shit faced, fun. I'm sorry that I don't like to be in a party house full of everyone I hate and get drunk and possibly raped, because knowing how every guy at the school is, I can see them drugging a girl. I'm sorry that my way of caring sounds like I'm being a goodie tushu.

Is there anything else that I do that annoys you? And being young doesn't mean I have to drink, smoke, or have sex. Being young is enjoying being young and having fun by doing shit you like. I told you this already, I don't like to drink, I don't like to party, I don't like anything related to that. So don't expect me to be jumping for joy when you say you're going to a party." I rant quickly.

Harry looks to me. I can't read his facial expression. "Okay." I roll my eyes at his response and stand. "Where are you going?"

"Home." I say.

"You just got here."

"I don't exactly want to stay when you're giving me this look like I'm-" Harry cuts me off.

"I'm not giving you a look May. Stop so being so anxious all the time."

"Should I stop breathing too?" I ask. "So I'll work on being more young, and stop being anxious. What else should I change about myself?"

"I'm not asking you to change. I'm just saying you need to relax more and stop worrying. You act like having one or two beers is going to kill me." I open my mouth. "And don't give me fucking statistics that they say in fucking health class about how how it can damage your brain still." I close my mouth. Harry stands and runs his hand through his hair.

"It wasn't going to be from health class, jackass."

"You still were going to lecture me." He hums.

"Why can't you see that's my fucking way of saying I care about you?" I snap. "I do it everyone decent in my life who likes to do stuff I don't. I like to ask questions and put in my fucking input to make sure they know not to do stupid shit. So I'm sorry that it sounds like being health class when talking to me."

I see his eyes soften. "I think that was the nicest thing you said to me." Harry jokes making me roll my eyes. I head to the door but he stands in front of me. "May, I'm joking. Relax."

"Stop telling me to relax. You have no clue what it's like being me. Relaxing isn't one of my traits or something I can easily do." His hands touch my lower back. His lips touch my cheek.

"I'm sorry, okay? I was being a prick and I'm sorry." His arms hug around me. His chin rests on my head. "Thank you for caring about me."


"None of my friends tell me to drink safely when going to parties. And if I'm being honest I forgot about the whole designated driver thing. So, it's nice that my girlfriend cares enough to remind me." I glance up at him. "I mean it." His lips touch my forehead. "I'm sorry for sounding like you needed to change when you're fine the way you are. I was just trying to say in my dumb way that I want to you to relax a bit more. But I know how much your anxiety makes you worry and be nervous, so I'm sorry for being insensitive to that."

My eyes look into his. Harry's lips kiss mine. "Now, let's enjoy the rest of the day together, okay?"

"Okay." I murmur.

"I care about you too by the way." Harry murmurs. I peck his lips.

I see a photograph on his his nightstand of him a girl smiling. "Is that you and your sister?" I ask Harry, pointing to the nightstand.

His face looks tense and his hand drops from my lower back. "Uh, no." He looks away from me. "Just an old friend."

"Oh, that's nice." I murmur. My mind goes to the argument between Harry and Sadie a few weeks ago and the name Lily being brought up. I don't mention her, I don't want Harry to be more tense looking. But, I know from the conversation they weren't friends.

"You look a weird." I say to Harry who is staring into space.

"Do you mind if we take a uh, rain check on hanging out?"

"Yeah.." I murmur. I let go of his hand. "I'm sorry if I-"

"No, it's not you." Harry says with a sigh. "I just forgot I had to do stuff for my AP classes." I hate that he pushes me away.

"Okay." I say sadly. I leave his room and head downstairs.


Hello :)


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