Thirty Four

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Monday comes around faster then I wanted. I'm walking into school trying not to bump into anyone.

I open my locker and grab my things. Something catches my eye though.

I go on my tippy toes and see almond joy's and a single rose. There is a small note next to them that says 'they're not pity flowers because I only got you one'. I feel my heart warm slightly by this and I bite my lip.

"Candy?" I turn around and see Karen. Her eyes are bright green and staring at me. She reaches over me and grabs the candy in my locker. "You don't need it." She throws it out in the garbage can next to her. "And a rose? Who got you that?"

"I-I," Karen cuts me off

"I-I." She mimics. "You don't know?"

"I don't." I murmur. Her arms cross over her chest.

She takes the rose and picks off its pedals until they're all on the floor and the stem is left. "Here, it's what you deserve." She says while handing me back the flower that is no longer there. "Ciao." She walks away.

I kneel down and pick up the rose pedals. I frown slightly.

Harry POV

"Getting your little lover presents now?" A voice comments behind me. I turn around and see Karen. I roll my eyes.

"My lover?" I ask.

"Yeah, May." She leans against the locker beside me. My eyebrows furrow. "How's that going?"

"Excuse me?"

"You fucking with her. How's that going?"

"I told you, I'm not doing it." I close my locker. Karen smirks. "I haven't been since I told you I wasn't."

"Then why did you get her stuff?"

"I didn't." I argue. I did but that's besides the point.

"The truth will come out eventually that you're only with her to fuck with her."

"I'm not with her." I hum.

"Uhuh." Her eyes scowl at me. "Then why aren't we messing around anymore?" She asks while playing with the hem of my shirt. I move away.

"Because I'm not looking for a fuck buddy." I growl. She moves closer toward me.

"Because you're with someone?"

"Because I don't want to sleep around." I correct her. "Anything else Karen?"

"You can do better then May."

"I'm not with May." I say, looking at her. "Why would I be?"

"You tell me. You could be fucking with her like we planned. If that's the case you have to let me know so I can pay you soon." Karen smirks.

"Use the money on a dildo." I spit. "Because for the millionth time, I'm not doing the bet." I walk away from Karen who has her mouth open in shock.

I walk down the hallway May has her locker in and see her talking to Evan. He's standing fairly close to May making me scowl my eyes at him.

He looks up from her and see's me. He slowly takes a step back making me smirk. May turns around and see's me. She looks back to Evan and seems to be snapping at him because she's talking quickly and using hand motions.

I walk away with a smile on my face.


It's lunch and I'm extremely bored. I'm studying for my History test tomorrow and hear footsteps. My eyes glance up from my book and of course see Harry.

"Hello." He offers.

"Hi." I murmur. He sits down beside me, keeping a space though.

"What did you say to Evan?" I ask, looking at him.

"Nothing, why?" A twitching smile goes on his lips. I roll my eyes.

"It seems to be whenever you're around he stands 20 feet away from me. So when we're having a conversation I have to speak loudly because he's so far."

"That has nothing to do with me." I scowl my eyes at him.

"You're smiling."

"It's funny. He's scared of me."

"You obviously said something to him. He wasn't like that before until a couple days ago."

"Maybe his new girlfriend doesn't like him standing too close to you." He comes up with.

"When you're around?" My eyebrows furrow. "Nice excuse but I know you said something to him."

"You have no proof."

"Evan hinted to it." I say, looking at Harry who is staring at me.

"Anyways," Harry clears his throat. "How's your day?"

"Decent." I mutter. "Thanks the chocolate and rose."

"Anytime." I bite my lip.

"I enjoyed the minute looking at them." I chuckle lowly. His eyebrows furrow.

"What do you mean?"

"Karen went into my locker, threw out the chocolate and took off all the pedals on the rose." I see his eyes darken. "It was a good thought though. How did you get my combo?"

"Adam." I laugh. "She did that?" Harry asks.

"Yeah." I say, Harry sigh's.

"Sorry." He murmurs.

"Not your fault. What is she? Your ex girlfriend? Or your friend?" I ask curiously.

"Uh, we did friends with benefits for five months, so." He itches his head.

"Hm, I can smell the STD's." Harry scoffs and I crack a smile.


"I may be the least popular person in the school, but I heard she slept with everyone in your grade, half of mine, and half of the sophomores."

"I wish I could say the other girls I've been with gets better from Karen." He lets out a deep breath. His eyes look to me.

"Is this where I say who I regret sleeping with? Because I thought we established why my friends call me a Nun." Harry chuckles.

"No, I wasn't thinking that." My teeth brush over my bottom lip.

"Will you leave Evan alone?"

"Why do you think I did something?" Harry laughs.

"Because you look guilty." His eyes roll back playfully.

"I can't help that he thinks I'm intimating."

"Well, you're the most popular guy in the school. I wonder why someone would be." His eyes narrow at me.

"So," Harry speaks. "How close does he stand when you guys talk?" My eyes scowl.

"I'm not answering that." I dismiss.

"Why not?" He scoffs.

"Because that sounds like what I'll say will be used against him."

"Will not." I stare at him. "Maybe a little."

"Stop." I say, looking at him. "He's a good friend."

"I didn't say he wasn't one. I don't know him. I didn't do anything." Harry smiles and I roll my eyes. "Have you thought about us going out?"

"Still thinking." He nods.

"Take your time, no rush." I bite my lip. His eyes meet mine making my stomach turn. I look away and pick at my nails.


hello :)

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