Thirty Six

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Me: I'll go on that one date thing

Harry: really?????????

Me: yes

Harry: :))))))))

Harry: ty xxxx

Harry: I'll let you know the details tonight and you'll tell me if that day is good..?

Me: sounds good

Harry: :)

I lock my phone and let out a deep breath. It's better to move forward and forget. I get out of my car and meet Adam by the doors.

"How was Parkers' house?" I ask him.

"Good," He smirks. I open my locker and put my crap away. "How was your weekend?"

"I watched three seasons of Friends." Adam looks to me and chuckles.

"Wow, you have no life." He says while opening his locker.

"I agreed to go out with, uh Harry again." I murmur to Adam. He touches his heart.

"Wow, you took a step." I nudge him harshly.

"Piss off." He smiles.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Yeah." I chuckle.

"So, I'm not trying to be mean. But Harry slept with a lot of girls, and those girls talk to each other."


"I've heard things."

"What things?"

"Like how long his thing is.."

"How's that a question?" I ask.

"Have you ever seen it?"

"No!" I say loudly. "Why would I?"

"Why wouldn't you?" His eyes widened.

"Lovely weather today. Fall is tomorrow, what are your thoughts?" I ask Adam while playing with my fingers.

"You're so weird." Adam murmurs. "What will you say when he's wants to have sex?"

"Well, lets take it one day at a time, yeah? Lets just see how a date goes."

"I'm just saying May, what are you waiting for? Marriage?" Adam scoffs.

"What's wrong with waiting till marriage?" I ask.

"Are you being serious?" Adam asks laughing. I close my locker.

"Ha ha, laugh it up." I roll my eyes.

"Why are you waiting? What's to wait for?"

"Why is it wrong to wait?" I ask Adam.

"We all know that's going to change when you're in the moment with Harry."

"Who knows. It might not even be with Harry."

"Why wouldn't you? His dick his fucking huge!" I slap his chest.

"Stop, I don't want to hear it."

"Is it too tempting?"

"Guys, we have a problem." I hear Evan say behind us.

"What is it?" Adam asks while looking at him.

"Jenny wants to have sex."

"Okay, so I'm gonna go." I say.

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