Seventy Six

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We lay in bed the same afternoon.

My head is on his chest and his arms are around me. Our legs are intertwined. "I've been meaning to tell you something." Harry says with a yawn. I look up at him, his eyes look down at me.

"What is it?" I ask.

"I got into Washington State on a full scholarship." My eyes widen.

"Are you serious?" He nods with a small smile.

"That's great Harry!" I exclaim. I kiss him.

"A few days ago I got an email from the person who runs the Vancouver campus. They want me to start early."

"How early?" I ask.

"I would leave in mid March." My heart pinches.

"This March?" Harry nods. "Are you going to do it?"

"I wanted to run it by you first." His fingers draw small circles on my shoulder. "Should I do it?"

"Obviously. I wouldn't want you to pass that up." I say. My fingers play with the hem of his white shirt.

"So, you think I should do it?"

"Do you not want too?"

"It's not that." He huffs. "Because graduation, the fact that I'll be away from you sooner, the fact that I'll miss you." I chuckle.

"I don't want you to give up anything for me." I say honestly. The fact that he's leaving next month makes me sick. I don't know what I'll do without him. And it also makes me sick if we end of breaking apart because of the long distance.

"I'll visit on the weekends." I smile gently even though my heart is slowly burning away.

I press myself into him more and drape my arm over him. It's weird to think about; not seeing him every day. Or every other day. Or the fact that we can't have days like these when we cuddle in bed. I'm already sad, but it was bound to happen eventually.

"Will you be back for my birthday?" I ask. The John Mayer concert is the following day.

"Most likely." I can't happen but to frown. Harry notices and just plants his lips on mine. "I'll make it, I promise. I won't miss your 18th birthday, or miss you the concert where you are screaming after the guy you want to bang." I scoff and nudge him.

"What about the summer?" I ask.

"All of June and July I would have classes."

"So, we won't be with each other on our one year anniversary?" It falls silent between us.

"This is why it's not a good idea for me to go." Harry mutters. I lean up and kiss his cheek.

"I understand why, Harry. This doesn't happen to just anyone. They chose you for a reason, don't give that up for me. In August we'll do something for it."

"I feel like I'm disappointing you."

"You aren't. I'm really proud of you actually." A soft grin goes on his lips. "I love you Harry Styles."

"I love you May Evans."


Idk what to put here lol

How are you?



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