Thirty Eight

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It's been a month since Harry and I did our date thing. It's been good since then, I think so anyways.

It almost feels like what we were before never happened. He is totally different with me. I don't know if that's a good or bad thing though.

But, we aren't together, together. We've never talked about saying we're dating again or if we're boyfriend and girlfriend. I'm not really bothered by it though.

"May." Adam's voice states. I look at him and snap out of my thoughts.

"Adam." I mimic. His eyes roll.

"Your boyfriend is talking to his ex-girlfriend." I look over his shoulder and see him talking to some tall girl with brown hair. Her back is facing me.

"He's not my boyfriend." I hum.

"So, you wouldn't be mad if he just starts sucking face with her?" I glare at Adam.

"I would be mad, but that would be because he's kissing her. I don't care about talking." I say as I face my friend.

"Why aren't you guys saying you're an item?"

"I don't know." I murmur.

"You guys are stressful." He huffs. "I gotta get to English, catch you later." I nod and see him walk away. I wish Adam was in my lunch. I turn back around and grab my books. I close my locker and jump slightly. The girl Harry was talking to is behind me.

She's beautiful. Her eyes are hazel, and she's tall. Like really tall. Well, for me anyways. She's also really intimating. "Can we chat for a sec?"

"Do you have t-the um, right person?" Why does she want to talk to me?

"You're Sadie's sister right?" Sadly, I want to say. I just nod. "I'll make this quick, stop trying with Harry." My eyebrows furrow.

"I'm not with him."

"Why else would he defend you?" I open my mouth to speak but she continues. "Look, he's mine. And, I don't know why, but you're in the way. And look at you compared to me." I bite my lip. "I'm everything guys want, you not so much."

"I'm not with him." I say again.

"Good, keep it that way." I don't even know her name, she just walks away.


Harry sit's across from me as we talk. His deep dimples on his cheeks and a gentle smile accompaniments them.

It's 40 degrees out today and I'm sweating like you wouldn't believe it. The school has the heat on so fucking high. It also doesn't help I'm on my period and I get semi hot flashes like an old person.

I slide off my hoodie and feel my body already cooling down. "Are you going to keep your hoodie off all day?" Harry asks.

"I don't know, I'm hot."

"I know." I stare at Harry who is smirking.

"Not like that, I mean like hot, hot. Sweating hot." I explain.

"It is pretty warm in here." Harry says. "But, you should keep your hoodie on."

"Do I have a stain on my shirt?" I pull out the shirt and look down.

"No, it's fine." It's a basic black V neck.

"Then, what's wrong."

"I just suggest you keep it on." Harry smiles gently.

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