Fifty Nine

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Today is the Christmas party

I'm nervous, for many reasons.

One of them being my dress.

I sit in Harry's car and run my hand through my hair tensely. "What did you tell your Mom?"

"I'm going to a family party with Adam." I say and Harry nods. He pulls out of my driveway.

"You look nervous May." Harry notices.

"Just a tad." I chuckle. His fingers intertwines with mine.

"Tonight will be fun, don't stress too much." At the red light Harry kisses me and smiles gently. "So, I have this one aunt name Perry who drinks, a lot. So if you see some older women passed out a table don't be alarmed." He says cooly while driving.

"Oh okay." I chuckle slightly. "Anything else I should keep in mind?"

"My grandmother usually hates anyone I bring so uh, don't take it personally." I glance to him.

"How many girls have you taken?" I ask.

"I of course took Lily, She was my date four times. We were friends for a two years before we dated so it was fun going with her. Then after she passed," Harry pauses. "Uh I took Sadie. No one I just had sex with though. My grandma thinks Sadie and I have like a friends with benefits type thing." He looks to me with a scrunched up face.

"How did you and Lily start dating?" Harry bites his lip and looks back to the road.

"The second year we went as friends, we went to the balcony outside of our room after the party and I made a move. Then after that we were a couple, of course we went on dates and stuff." Harry rambles and I nod with a gentle smile.

This night should be fun.

"Do you want to play music?" Harry asks, breaking our tension filled silence.

"Yeah." I pull out my phone. I plug my phone into the car speaker and hit shuffle then lock my phone.

"This song always plays when you play your music." Harry says with a chuckle. I laugh as well.

"I have 309 songs, so it must be fate." I joke making Harry smile. The song is falling for you by the 1975

And on this night and in this light I think I'm falling, I'm falling for you

I don't know, for some reason that line in particular reminds me of Harry and Lily. My eyes look at him and a gentle smile on his lips. A sad one.

I look away from him and look straight ahead. I know he loves me and cares about me, but I know he'll never feel the way about me he does about Lily.

And I don't expect him too.

The next song plays and it's Why Georgia by John Mayer. I know all the songs from Room for Squares by heart, which isn't healthy. I don't think my obsession with him is healthy.

"What's your favorite song by John Mayer?" Harry asks me.

"Hard question shit." I sink into my chair. "Edge of Desire, for sure. Or Assassin, Dreaming with A Broken Heart, or every song he's made." Harry laughs. "What about you?"

"All are great um," He pinches his bottom lip. "Maybe Heartbreak Warfare? Edge of Desire is great as well."

"I listen to it every time I listen to music, which is frequent."

"I would expect that, you own a lot of things related to John Mayer."

"Do you blame me?" Harry looks to me with a smile.

The next song plays and it's Cry Baby by The Neighbourhood.


We arrive to the hotel and my eyes widen. Harry and I get out of the car, and someone parks it for him. "Too lazy to do it yourself?" I remark with a raised eyebrow.

"Don't judge." Harry holds the door open for me.

"Someone doesn't do that for us?" My eyes widen and Harry eyes me and pokes his tongue through his cheek. Once we step in Harry takes my bags for me. "You really need to up your staff game, man. You're doing so much stuff for yourself." I joke and Harry shakes his head.

"Mr. Styles!" A guy with a suit and grey hair walks over to us.

"Mr. Styles is my father, Jeff." Harry says with a gentle smile. "How've you been?"

"Amazing. Yourself?"

"Great." Jeff looks to me and smiles.

"This must be the new girlfriend."

"May, this is the Jeff, a family friend. Jeff, this is my girlfriend, May." I shake his hand and smile.

"Hi." I greet kindly.

"Hello, welcome." Jeff looks back to Harry. "Your dad gave you two the pent suite. So enjoy." I feel the air leave my lungs.

Pent suite?

They wrap up their conversation and we head to the elevators. "Pent suite?" I question Harry.

"I guess he splurged for us." Harry smiles gently.

"How much does that cost?" I ask Harry.

"May, My dad owns this place, don't worry." He's so calm about this it's weird.

We step off the elevator. There are only two doors, they're across from one another. Harry slides the card and holds the door open for me again.

I step in and feel all the air leave my lungs. "H-harry." I look to him. "What the fuck?"

"What? Don't like it?"

"This is--what the fuck?" It's so beautiful and everything you see in movies. I feel like I'm on the set of Gossip Girl. "I'm scared to touch something."

"Don't." He kisses my cheek. "The view of Seattle is beautiful from here, wanna go check it out?" Harry walks to the clear sliding door.

I stand next to him and stare at the city. The sun is going down so the sky is orange and pink. It compliments the city well.

"We have two hours to kill until we need to get ready, wanna watch a movie?" He walks to the living room.

He sits down and I hesitate too. His head tilts at me. "May, just relax."

"This is probably the expense of my whole life existence. How are you so calm?"

"I'm used to it." His shoulders shrug. "I don't like to talk about this part of my life. I'm fortunate to have the life I do. During the summer as I kid, I spent my life in this hotel or the one in Paris, Italy, California, whatever. I kinda just adapted to it."

"I kinda want to slap you." He smiles. I sit beside him.

My head rests on his lap and his fingers play with my hair. I just look at him and enjoy the way his fingers lacing through my hair feels.

"I'm excited to see you in your dress." Harry says.

"Don't." I laugh. "You'll get your hopes up." He scoffs.

"I bet you'll look stunning." He leans down and kisses me. "I love you."

"I love you too." I murmur.


the way i picture the suite is the picture :p

if this gets 30 comments i'll update again

next update will have may's dress as well :)




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