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"You're always here." I remark to Harry who is yet again behind my front door.

"Your sister is my best friend." He smirks.

"She's not home." I say.

"You're joking, right?"

"Why w-would I-I be?" I ask. He lets out a loud shrug.

"We're supposed to see a movie at 3:30." His eyes roll. "Bitch." Harry murmurs. "Do you know where she is?"

"Work, probably." He nods.

"Would y-you like t-to wait inside?"

"I don't want to interrupt time with you and your Mom."

"She's not home, nor my Dad." His eyebrows furrow.

"Tonight is dinner, right?"

"Ye-yes at 7." I say. "They won't be h-home till 6." It's 2:15 now.

"Uh, then sure. I'll wait inside." I let him in. I close the front door behind him.

"Are you busy?" I stare at Harry.

"What d-do you think?"

"No?" I nod. A smile goes onto his lips. "Are you bringing someone to dinner?" He follows me into the kitchen.

"Adam." I say, Harry nods.

"Are you guys like a thing?" I chuckle.

"Uh, no." I bite my lip. "He's um, g-gay."

"Oh, wow." Harry says looking at me. "I thought you were dating him."

"Eh, maybe if I w-were a-a boy." I joke, he cracks a smile.

"So, what do you do in your free time?"

"W-Why do you want to k-know?" I ask, furrowing my eyebrows.

"I can't know you?"

"Why d-do you want too?"

"Because, you're interesting." He smiles. I stare at him. "We can't be friends?" I raise my eyebrow at him.

"You're my sisters bes-best friend."

"I'm aware."

"Why do y-you want to be my friend?"

"Cause why not?"

"I get, you're popular and all. And uh, I-I'm the stuttering, loser of the w-whole school. But, we never talked until a few weeks ago, l-like ever. I understand that you w-were probably dared or something by one of y-your friends. So, y-you can stop pretending that you a-actually want to get to know m-me."

"That wasn't my motive." I narrow my eyes at Harry. "Honestly, no one has dared me."


"Why don't you trust me?"

"Because you're Harry Styles. Also m-my sisters b-best friend. All of her friends h-hate me."

"I don't hate you."


"I'm being honest."

"So, you've never once l-laughed at a c-crack someone said about m-me? Or made f-fun of me to your friends?" He remains quiet and I nod. "Well, this was fun. I-I'm going to go upstairs now." I grab a water out of the fridge.

"No, May. That was a long time ago."

"A long time ago, like two months?" He keeps quiet.

"That was before I started talking to you."

"You've only b-been talking to me for t-two weeks."

"And, you're pretty cool."


"You like saying that don't you?"

"I use it when I know someone is bullshitting me."

"You have trust issues."

"M-more like self esteem issues, t-thanks." I smile. "That's because o-of your friends a-and my s-sister, if you d-didn't catch on."

"I did." He murmurs. "I wasn't always a prick, okay? I've been better recently, aka this summer. I haven't laughed at you or made cracks. I genuinely want to be your friend."

"Uhuh." His eyes scowl at me.

"So, why can't we be friends?"

"Because you're friends with Sadie. We don't get along, if you h-haven't noticed. Plus, you're friends with ev-everyone I hate; also I know you're only t-talking to me because someone dared y-you."

"No one dared me."

"Why else would y-you talk to the stuttering, loner?" I ask curiously. "I-I don't party, smoke, or drink. I-I'm not into crowds bigger than five, and a good time for me is binge watching T-TV shows on Netflix's. What's your version of a good t-time?"

"Partying." He mumbles. "But that's not the point. I don't think me being popular has anything to do with why we can't be friends."

"Sadie should be h-home soon." I say to him. I change the topic.

"I'm not getting dared to talk to you." Harry tells me, his eyes look into mine. "I promise."


"Okay? That's it?"

"Uhuh." His eyes scowl at me.

"Give me your number."


"Because, friends have each other's numbers."

"We're not friends."

"Yes we are." He smiles. "So, give me your number."

"I'd rather not get harassed o-over text, thanks."

"Why would you get harassed over text?" I stare at him blankly. He makes an 'oh' face. All I need are his friends to bully me over text. Sadie doesn't even have my number. "I'll change your name in my phone then, it won't be May. It will be--April. Get it?"

"Yes, b-because April i-is another name of a month, ha-ha."

"So, can I get it?"

"Fine." I murmur. I give him my number and he grins. His dimples visible.

"I'll see you at dinner?" He sounds like he is going to leave.


"I lied. I came to see you." Harry admits. A smirk on his thin, pink lips. "I'll text you later."


i hope this book is interesting to you guys and isn't boring :/

comment goal: 10??? that would be really cool if we got to that

tysm for reading this book! it really does mean a lot


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