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"Hey May." A familiar voice rings behind me. I turn around and see Harry. My eyebrows furrow. "Your Mom let me in. I'm waiting for you sister." I nod and sip my juice.

My Mom walks into the kitchen. Her hair is dark brown, almost black. She's holding a laundry basket against her hip. She looks at me, then to Harry. "Am I interrupting something?"

"No, I'll be upstairs."

"Uh, no juice in the bedroom. You're clumsy, and you'll stain something." She says, eyeing me. I huff and take another sip. My Mother soon leaves the kitchen.

"Why are you so quiet with me?" His eyebrows furrow.

"I'm not." I say.

"Uhuh." He smirks. "We should hangout again, it was fun." I stare at him. Sadie enters the kitchen.

"Lets go Harry." She glances to me. "Why are you always around him? Have a crush?"

"Mom i-is making me drink m-my juice down here." I say, defending myself.

"Yeah, okay."

"I was here when she said it." Harry says also. Her blue eyes burn on me. Sadie walks away, and Harry does as well.

My Mom enters. "You can go upstairs now."

"Why couldn't I before?" I ask her.

"Because I wanted to see how you would be with a boy." I stare at her. "You're 17 and never talked to a boy besides Adam. I'm just worried. Sadie has had a few boyfriends already." I leave my cup downstairs and walk toward the steps.

All my Mom does is compare me to her.

The only reason why she's nice to me now is because Harry was here. Usually she talks to me like I'm garbage.


My bedroom door opens with my Mother behind it.

"Tomorrow your Dad is coming back home from New York, so I'm making dinner. Harry is joining, did you want to ask Adam."

"I'll ask." I murmur. She nods then closes the door.

Me: you're coming over tomorrow for dinner

Adam: um well do i have a choice?

Me: you're coming.

Adam: yes ma'am

Me: see you then


during this book there will be texting and such, just a heads up.

if this gets 10 comments, i'll update again!

tysm for 600 reads wtf !!

cast updated, idk who should play Adam so that's not in the cast yet :/


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