Seventy Seven

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"Are you sure you want to get those tattoos?" I ask Harry. I'm sitting on a little stool beside him.

"Why? Do you not like them? You said you did." I chuckle.

"I do like them." He decided on the two birds and the bird cage. "What will your Mom think?"

"I told her and she just shrugged." I smile gently. "You want to get a tattoo?" I laugh this time.

"No, babe this is your day to be in pain." I squeeze his shoulder.

"Does that mean you would want one in the future?" Harry asks with a small grin.

"Possibly. But I'm scared I'll regret my choice." I sigh.

"You should get one today with me."

"What would I get?" I ask.

"Something small and sweet like you." I chuckle at his words.

"I have to be 18 anyways to get one."

"The guy doing my tattoo today is a family friend, he won't care." I bite my lip.

"So will you get one? Only if you want of course." A small smile crawls on Harry's lips.


I sit in the chair at the tattoo parlor. Harry sits beside me.

I decided on a small bird. It's going on my inner wrist. Since mine is small and less time than Harry's, his friend Jack said he'll do mine first.

"I'm going to start now." I nod. He presses the gun against my skin. I just bite my lip as the needles traces the bird. The pain isn't as bad as I imagined.

I look to Harry who is looking at me with a smile. "New couple bonding." Harry says making me laugh. "does it hurt?"

"Not as much as I expected." Before I know it Jack says I'm done. I look down at my wrist and see the small bird printed. I smile.

"It looks great." I compliment.

"For a first tattoo, you picked a good choice. Something small. Unlike Harry here who's just going for it." Harry has a childish grin on his lips. Jack wraps my wrist in the clear bandage thing.

"Okay Haz, your turn." We switch spots. Harry leans in and quickly pecks my lips.


Two hours later his bird tattoos are done. Now he's working on his bird cage thing.

I poke one of Harry's extra nipples making him snicker. "That's so odd." I mutter.

"Thank you." He scoffs.

"It's cool though. they don't look like real nipples." I look up to Harry who takes a deep breath. "How's the pain?"

"Eh. It will be worth it when it's done." A grin goes on his bright pink lips.


"Hey May." Adam's voice chirps next to me. I look over at him and smile softly. "Did you get the Chem homework?"

"Of course."

"Mind if I copy?" I snicker to myself and put my book bag down to take out my folder. "May?" I look up at him. His eyes are wide. "Is that a tattoo?" I forgot about it.

"Yeah. Like it?" I ask. I hand him the homework.

"You're lying." I stick out my wrist and try to wipe it away. My touch is soft, it's a little sore. "What the fuck? You never smoked, or drank before. But you'll get a tattoo?"

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