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Harry POV

I'm laying on Sadie's bed looking up at the ceiling. She's talking about how Todd forgot their anniversary.

"We've been together for 2 years now!" She exclaims. "Harry, are you even listening?"

"Sadly so." She swats my chest. Sadie plops down next to me. She lets out a loud sigh.

"Ever since you've been texting that girl you've been totally distant from me." Sadie says, looking at me.

"What girl?" I chuckle.

"Um," She pauses, thinking. "April." I bite my lip. How did she see that?

"She's just a friend."

"But you're my best friend, and it seems like all you want to do is text her. Who even is she?"

"A friend of my sisters." I come up with quickly.

"Do you like her? Is she pretty?"

"She's beautiful." I find myself saying aloud. "But like a friend beautiful. I don't like her like that, Sadie." I look to her. A smile curved on her lips.

"You said she was beautiful." She smiles. "I'm happy for you, Haz. I'm glad you found someone since Lily." I bite down on my jaw, and sit up. I hate when people bring up Lily. My Mom has been lately.

"I should get going." I murmur. 

"It's only three." Sadie says with furrowed eyebrows. "I didn't know she was still a sensitive topic, I'm sorry."

Loud laughing come from downstairs making it fall silent between Sadie and I. Her eyes roll. "Don't mind that. It's my stupid sister and her loser friends."

My instinct is to defend May and I'm assuming Adam. But, I don't want Sadie to think anything.

"I'll uh text you later." I say, slipping on my jacket.

"You're actually leaving? Harry, I thought since it's been two years you wouldn't still be defensive about Lily. I'm sorry, I am."

"I have AP work to finish up anyways." I mutter lowly. I close the door behind me and head downstairs. I walk into the kitchen to say hi to May.

"Hello." I offer softly to them. Adam and May are making something to eat.

"Hi." May says, a smile on her lips. "leaving?"

"Yeah, I have AP homework to do." I say. "Hi Adam."

"I wasn't sure if you noticed me." He says making me chuckle.

"Uh, I'll text you later."

"Will do." May's hair is in a messy bun. She's wearing her typical black leggings and a black V neck.


Half way into my work I decide to text May. I change her contact name from April to May. That's funny. April, May, like the months.

Me: hey(:

May: hola

Me: you speak spanish?

May: yeah

May: it's the language I took, and french

May: bc i got no life

Me: (: I'm taking french

May: wow

May: super cool

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