Sixty Five

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Adam had to drag my out of bed to go to school.

I just want to curl up into a small ball and die. I'm just so conflicted and unable to think.

"May, do you want breakfast?" Ellie asks while standing in the kitchen.

"No, I'm uh good." I run my fingers through my hair. "I'll be at school." I meet Adam by the front door.

"Today will be a good day." Adam assures me.

I bet it won't.


Adam and I enter the school with everyone balling out laughing in the hallway.

Oh god.

Their attention faces me and Adam squeezes my shoulder. I glance to my locker and see the words

U thought written in red. My inside burn and I feel even more shitty. Tara and her group of friends walk over to me.

Can I die now or..?

"Hey May." Tara says with a smug smile.

"Hi." I mutter.

"If you're just here to mock her, you can go." Adam buts in. Tara's eyebrow raises.

"C'mon. It's funny. She thought Harry actually liked her." I bite down on my lip.

"Did he say to you personally May is nothing?" She remains silent. "My point. So you can your spider legs can walk the fuck back to the slut store where your legs are open 24/7."

"Awe, look. May's new boyfriend is protecting her." Her friends laugh.

"Yes. Boy, friend. I'm her friend that is a boy. That was really funny for someone in general classes." His eyes look to her friends that laughed. "Anything else?"

Tara doesn't say anything. She just glares at me. "See you in gym." Then she walks away.

"You're skipping gym." Adam says to me. I don't say anything. I just walk beside him as he walks to his locker.

"Watch me get called down to the office for writing on my locker again."

"They can suck my fucking dick if they do." Adam growls.

The thing that catches everyone's attention is something being slammed into a locker, multiple times.

Adam and I look over and my heart drops.

Harry POV {5 minutes ago}

"Dylan, do you have my folder?" I ask him tiredly while standing beside his locker.

"No, ask May." My insides heat.

"She's not in any of my core classes so," his eyes burn on me. "What's your issue?" I ask. I just want to know where the hell my folder is. I have all of my homework in there.

"Nothing." Dylan closed his locker. "I just didn't know you would be fucking May out of all people." I bite down on my jaw

"I'm not fucking May, Dylan." I spit.

"Then what? The cats out of the bag about you guys. So, what was it exactly? A relationship?"

"Yes. It was." I say. Dylan laughs. "What's funny about that?" I ask, my voice becoming tense.

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