Fifty Three

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Funny story

After I posted chapters 51/52 which May is sick in, the same night I start throwing up and felt like dying

Sorry I didn't update yesterday lol I was puking the whole following day

Anyways enjoy xx




I go downstairs when I feel like throwing up. My hand is on my stomach and I see my parents talking to Ellie and Sadie.

"Hello May, feeling well?" My Father asks.

"Not really." I mutter.

This is day five of me feeling like death. I told Harry to go to school and stuff on day two. He wasn't easy to convince, but he went.

I don't know why I still feel like hell.

He texts me every hour though to make sure I'm okay. I think that's nice.

Sadie's eyes burn on me as I drink my bottled water. My eyes furrow in confusion toward her and her eyebrow raises.

"We're going out to dinner, would you like anything?" My father asks.

"Why can't May come with us?" Ellie asks while zippering her coat.

"She's sick, El." Sadie says like it's obvious.

"Still." She mutters.

"I'll be fine, thanks." I turn my heel and head back upstairs. I lay down and rest my hand on my stomach. The thought of food makes me sick.

I grab my phone that's resting on the pillow beside me and click my home button.

Adam: hope you're going well :p

Adam: my mom wants to know if you'd want any food

Adam: lol you thought you had a choice #myItalianmom

Adam: I'll bring it to you when you're free

Me: lol

Me: you don't have too

Adam: may

Me: Adam

Adam: my mom wants to feed you

Adam: and you have no choice but to be fed

Me: come over tomorrow at 12

Adam: will dooooo

I click out of our messages and to Harry's and I's.

Me: I miss you :(

Harry: I miss you too baby

Me: :(

Harry: :(

Me: I love you

Harry: I love you moreeeeeeeeeeeee

Harry: do you need anything?

Me: no

Me: I'm good

Harry: if you need anything please text me

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