1: You Reunite With Damon

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Imagine: You are a vampire and he has just escaped from Augustine. You had escaped years ago, but had to leave Damon. He was the love of your life and you knew one day you had to return to him. Today was that day, and you was hoping he could escape with you. When you lived in Augustine, he was the only thing keeping you strong. He was the shoulder you could cry on and the person you could rely on the most. Your family abandoned you and turned you into Dr Maxfield as you were an abomination to your own blood. But now you were gone, nobody but Enzo was the only person to keep Damon strong.

"Damon?" You whisper as you open the front door of the Witmore House, you could walk straight in as you was an Augustine prisoner yourself and was allowed inside. Downstairs, a voice grumbles and you recognise it as a male. That must be him, you think as you unlock the door slowly as it creaks.

"Aaron?" Somebody begins to walk downstairs. The man who chained you up - Wes Maxfield - was approaching and you began to panic. Silently, you ran back outside using your vampire instincts before he could even see you. But before hand, you slipped the lock back into it's socket.

"I hoped he would rot in hell." You mutter, gritting your teeth as you wait for him to run back upstairs. Around the corner you hear slurring, automatically assuming it was a drunk man. As you strolled around the corner, you saw a man clutching onto a stranger for dear life. Her blood was dripping everywhere and his mouth was covered in it too. The male did not notice you as you creeped towards him where the dead woman laid in his arms. He was obviously regaining strength but he wouldn't suspect a fight. You dive towards him, causing him to loose his grip on the young woman as he struggles against you. He was older so he took control of the fight quicker than you could even hurt him.

"Get off me!" You mutter, closing your eyes to gather you anger. For Damon, you reminded yourself. The man pinned you to the ground as mud scraped across your porcelain skin.

"Get over yourself, Y/N." He replies and you open your eyes wide. His dark obsidian hair was sweaty and ruffled as blood stained it. As your eyes meet his, the baby blue you had so dearly missed were still as fresh as you remember.

"I've searched for you all over the world incase you had escaped." You murmur, raising your hand and pressing it on his cheek. As you caress it gently, he lifts you up so you rest against his knee. His eyes scatter across your face as yours begin to fill with tears.

"I have dreamed about you, every night and every day when I am sad - I wanted to see you again." Damon spoke as his voice was growing rougher. He allowed himself to cry in front of you but this time it was different, he was hiding something.

"I know you too well, Damon. What are you hiding?" You ask, worried for the answer. He licks his lips before avoiding eye contact with you. Something inside you breaks, this isn't good for either of you. Instead, you sit up so you are sat opposite him and you pull your sleeves down as you grip them with your fingers.

"I'm dating this girl, but our relationship is not as strong it should be." He admits and you close your eyes, hoping to just float away into the abyss. The embarrassment you felt, thinking he would take you back, was unreal.

"Okay then." You tut, opening your eyes and getting up. You had to get away quickly otherwise you would burst into tears. Half of your vampire life you were searching for him but he didn't want you too.

"Y/N, wait! But I don't want to be with her, I want to be with you. I can either walk away now and forget this ever happened, or I can be selfish and we can leave Mystic Falls. I don't know, we could take a plane and fly to where ever you want, being with you is enough." Damon pleads, pressing your hands into his. You let a tear fall, but he pushes it away before you could even acknowledge it. As you breathe in, his eyes scatter your face in his usual way. He is terrified for your answer because it is life changing.

"Y/N?" He asks, but you break this distance between both of you by colliding your lips with his. The pressure was immense as you melted against him, allowing your heart to beat rapidly against his. As his hand caressed your cheek, you pulled away and connected your eyes with his.

"Take me away, I want to run away from here - anywhere with you. Damon, I love you and I never gave up and I never will." You promise and he smiles, flashing his white teeth at you as before you kiss him again. You finally got everything you wanted, him and the world.

Eternity together.

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