28: Kol And You Name Your Children

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Imagine: Two days ago you had given birth to two beautiful twins. One was a girl and the other was a boy. Kol Mikaelson was the father and went through a lot of trouble to do so. You were happily married in New Orleans even when danger was just around the corner.

Three. Sleepless. Nights. The babies were crying again, screeching at the top of their lungs. You slurred in your sleep and then opened your eyes, staring at the two cribs beside you. As you sighed, you removed yourself from Kol's grip and tip toed over to them. Once you appeared they began to hush and you smiled, your love for them with indefinitely infinite. But you still didn't have a name for them.

"Hush..." You whispered and you raised the baby boy in your arms. He gurgled with happiness before blinking back up to you with a beaming smile. You kissed his forehead, he looked like a Kian. As you placed him down, he began to dose off into a beauty sleep.

"My little princess." You told the girl as you snuggled her against your chest and rocked back and forth on the balls of your feet. They were only lonely and a tiny bit of company at midnight was exactly what you hoped. Not.

"Were they crying again?" A rough voice asked behind you. His voice sounded so hot when he was tired and you smirked.

"Sadly yes, but at least I get to hear your voice when you're tired. It's amazing, I'm not going to lie." You admitted with a hint of laugh before placing the baby girl into the other separate crib. He patted a hand on your side of the bed, gesturing for you to lay with him again. So you did, once you had relaxed again your pillow he pulled you closer to him.

"What are you thinking of naming them?" You asked, they wasn't born in a hospital so not many people knew of their existence. His chest rose and fell against your back and he resting his chin onto of your head.

"Liam? Nathan? Penny? Natasha?" He suggested and you scrunched your nose upwards. He had different tastes but you did like the name Nathan.

"Okay fine, you can name the boy and I will name the girl." You replied, trying to improvise instead of flat-out telling him that you did not like his child names.

"Whatever you desire love." He muttered has he grew more out of breath and more into a deep sleep. But you knew that these names would stick with them for eternity, they would grow up half witch, half wolf - curtesy of you. But you knew that one day they may hate the name that comes with them, so it is a massive decision.

"Nathan Mikaelson?" Kol added and you nodded, he sounded perfect.

"Jocelyn Mikaelson?" You questioned him instead and suddenly he fell asleep, lightly snoring.

This is the family you had always wanted.

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