55: (REQUESTED) Klaus Finds Out You're Pregnant

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Imagine: You have had a one night stand with Klaus Mikaelson - the big bad hybrid of New Orleans. But he had a girlfriend when you found out you were pregnant with his child.

It was gross, you were constantly throwing up and you assumed that you had the flu - that was until you took a pregnancy test.

In those minutes, they felt extremely long as you watched the test in your hands. You counted the minutes that seemed to last hours instead, that was until the result showed on the screen. Positive.

That's when you began to panic, never had it occurred to you about having children and there was only one person that could be the father, but he was with someone else. He was with a girl named Camille O'Connell, who had only recently got with him after fighting her feelings for him for so long. Your night with the supposed father had only been a drunken fling.

Suddenly you were knocking on the Mikaelson mansion, your hand shaking as you continuously held your stomach. All you could think was, there's a life in here. For a while nobody could answer, that was until the blonde girl - Camille - appeared,

"Hey Y/N," She began with a smile, "What are you doing here?" That's when you questioned yourself, what am I doing here? You was going to storm in and tell a man that he was the parental father of your unborn child. Then what?

"I need to speak to Klaus," for a moment you wondered if she could tell, "I've seen a few stray vampires and I think they're hunting him." Suddenly she opened the door wider, letting your slim frame slip in.

"What do they look like?" Whilst you stuttered, she interveneted, "Oh sorry to prude, you know - therapist and all."

"It's fine, I think the less people know the  better - he'll probably tell you anyway, you're his girlfriend." It almost made you want to vomit again, realising that the father was never going to come around.

"We haven't given labels yet," She muttered with a small smile as she approached the sitting room, through the crack of the door you could see him reading a novel, "Klaus, Y/N's here to see you." Yes, he was the father of your child. Cami shut the door behind you after you had enter and walked to the kitchen.

"Oh hey, I didn't know you were coming. In fact, I thought we'd promised never to see each-" Suddenly you interrupted him.

"I'm pregnant." There was a moment of silence between you two, this couldn't happen - he was with Camille and already had a fling with Hayley, which caused her to give birth to Hope. Klaus hurried to the door to lock it.

"It can't be mine." He muttered back, walking to the window. You followed him sluggishly.

"You're the last person I have... Well, you know." You whispered, your hand automatically guarding your stomach.

"Camille doesn't know that our 'fling' happened when I was with her," He stuttered as his bottom lip quivered slightly - he was scared and nervous, "In fact, she doesn't know it happened at all."

"Well, it's not like we're in love right?" But when he didn't reply or turn to you, the lump in your throat grew tighter, "Right?" You wanted to slap him, tell him he has a girlfriend and that she should be the woman he loves - not you.

"I've loved you since I set eyes on you, Y/N-" You butted in as your eyes grew misty with tears.

"No, Klaus. This can't be happening..." You paced back and forth across the room with your hands on your stomach. This child was a problem waiting to happen, it will grow up in a mess of the supernatural. Unless you got rid of it.

"Stop," He told you as he grabbed your wrist, but you shook his hand off you, "Stop pacing." You could see the hurt in his eyes, the way he wanted to console you but he couldn't.

"Why should I listen to you? My child is going to grow up in a world where everything is confusing, where everybody is arguing. Maybe I shouldn't have this baby at all." You muttered, turning around and wondering what Klaus' thoughts were at this moment. Then you felt a strong arm sliver around your waist, stopping at where the baby would be growing.

"You're going to have this baby," he whispered in your ear but you kept a stern eye on the door incase anyone tried to get in, "Of course it's going to hurt me, but we can run away for all I care. I'll take Hope and all my siblings and we can live a normal life, I promise."

"But I'm not the one you're supposed to be with and I'm sorry Klaus but I don't love you." You told him, feeling his arm secure around your waist.

"I get it, I'm the big bad monster you had a one night stand with, the one that isn't capable of finding true love-" But you interrupted him softly.

"But this isn't true love, Klaus, it was a fling. We were drunk and created something we both don't need right now." You sighed, pushing his arm off your body and making your way to the door. He followed you hesitantly.

"You're not getting rid of that baby," He told you as you fiddled with the lock of the door, "I need this, Y/N, I need you in my life. I'll speak to Cami and we can go somewhere else instead of New Orleans," When he noticed you were listening, her stepped closer to your ear, "London? Paris? Berlin? I'll go anywhere with you."

You turned to face him, you didn't love him but you couldn't deny there was something there - perhaps more than friendship. Suddenly he was kissing you and you believed it all, you believed he'd take you anywhere and stay with you... that was until you came back to reality.

"Klaus," You whispered as you pulled away from him, "I have to go." You muttered, unlocking the door to be faced with Camille. Tears were streaming down her face and a smashed coffee cup was on the floor, Klaus' mouth dropped slightly.

"So you were willing to leave me?" She asked as her voice shook violently, "You're a different person now, I can't stay with you like that."

Klaus was speechless, his girlfriend was leaving him and so was the mother of his child. Camille walked away, not expecting him to go after her and then you followed behind her. But he grabbed your wrist and pulled you towards him.

"The child may be damned but so are you if you get rid of it." He whispered in your ear, his hot breath was tickling on your bare skin. You had to leave, so you walked outside whilst you looked at your stomach wondering how your life had messed up.

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