50: (REQUESTED) You Argue With Damon

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Imagine: Damon and you get into an argument about how to save Bonnie who is still stuck in the Prison World. But then something unexpected happens.

You slam the front door of the Salvatore Boarding house, grabbing a bottle of bourbon from the rack and gripping it in between your fingers. The fire was blazing and you saw Damon standing in front of it, sipping his drink and staring blankly at it.

"I thought you said you'd stay at the bar," You muttered, undoing the cap of the bottle, "Well that breaks my plan for the evening." Slowly he turned on his heel and stared at you, his baby blue eyes almost piercing through you like a stake. Ironically, you were a vampire. He didn't look pleased to see you either.

"Why are you even here anyway? This isn't your house." He spoke with no tone, but Damon's face was dead pan. You rocked back and forth on your heel, wondering what to say.

"Well... You do have the best bourbon in Mystic Falls." You tried to compromise, grabbing a glass from the table and pouring some of the alcohol into it. Suddenly you downed it, feeling the burning sensation at the back of your throat. But still, it didn't drain out your worries, you had told Stefan about your plans for Bonnie - but he couldn't promise he wouldn't tell your friends.

"Noted," He tutted before placing down his glass, "Why did you want to let Bonnie figure her own way to get out?" Damon asked, looking you up and down. He had never done that before, never properly looked at you to even notice what you were like. It was was just Elena, Elena, Elena. But then she told him she couldn't be with him anymore, that being with him was like running from death itself. But Damon figured that she was still in love with his younger brother, Stefan Salvatore.

"She's a witch, her Grams sent her there because she knew she could get out. Sheila wouldn't lie, Damon." You told him adamantly, pouring yourself more of the bourbon. As soon as you had finished, the eldest Salvatore brother took the bottle from your hands and began to fill his glass as well.

"Sheila's dead, don't you remember? Something I've learned in my years on Earth, when people are dead, they only come back for a reason." He told her, sipping onto his bourbon and turning back towards the fire. Maybe he was thinking of somebody, maybe he was thinking about an ex-lover. But you just stepped forward.

"Just because you are in love with Bonnie-" But he cut you off sharply, spinning around so he was directly in front of you.

"I am not in love with Bonnie, maybe that's just jealousy I hear." Damon taunted, whispering with the classic smirk on his face. His eyes lit up but you just rolled your eyes and turned away, strolling towards the door and putting down your glass.

"I'm not jealous Damon, maybe you can just fool yourself." You smiled, opening the door as you heard a swoop behind you. The cool breeze pulled your hair back, the moon smiling down on you as if it knew a secret that you didn't.

"So you think that I love Bonnie, huh?" You nodded, stepping out of the threshold before grabbing your coat along the way, "Well then this would show I'm not lying. But it means nothing." But before you could ask him what he meant, he took you by the waist and spun you around before planting a brief kiss on your lips.

"Mhmm." You agreed before he kissed you again, closing the door behind you with a smile. But in your mind your thoughts were scattered, what if he loved Elena still? What if this was just a distraction? But all of those thought evaporated when you realised, I'm making out with freaking Damon Salvatore.

"You know Damon," You told him as he went to kiss you once again, "Only three seconds ago we were arguing." You laughed but he shut you up with another kiss.

"Well, the argument is on pause for a moment." Damon pulled you closer and for one second you let yourself be in awe of his baby blue eyes. They blinked back at you for a second, almost screaming for you to let him do what he wanted.

"Pause," You smiled, "I like it."


The argument was forgotten about for an hour, you and Damon just enjoyed the feeling of your lips colliding or his hands on your waist. But he especially loved it when you tumbled your hands through his hair generously, then sliding your hands to the back of his neck whenever he wanted to kiss you again.

"Stefan should be home soon," He whispered to you, stroking his fingers alone the traces of your cheekbone. Blinding by love, you smiled back, "Probably with Elena." Suddenly your hearted stopped,

"I should go then..." You stuttered sitting up and grabbing your bag and coat, but the you felt Damon's presence behind you. Suddenly you spun around, your eyes catching his as he looked at you in a way you had only seen him look at Elena.

"No, no, stay. Honestly, I can't not hook up with people just because of Elena," He looked at you with puppy-like eyes, "I was thinking you should come here more often." He smirked again and you felt weak at your knees.

"Oh," You inhaled without looking at him, "You know, this meant nothing, like you said."

Suddenly he kissed you again and you knew you never wanted to leave. But right now you didn't want a boyfriend or somebody to love you. This was a fling, that was it. No more after this.

"Stefan," You whispered against Damon's lips as he drew backwards, "They're here." You began to straighten down your shirt, play with your hair and peering in the mirror to touch up your lipgloss. As you heard the youngest brother approach the door, you threw your arms around his neck and took in his scent one last time.

"Hey, Damon," His eyes landed on you and Stefan blinked for a moment, "Y/N." But luckily you wasn't next to Damon, you were grabbing some of the books in a hurry. Then you realised, it made you look raged.

"What did you need, Y/N?" Stefan asked as you headed to the door. You turned around and shot him a glare,

"I've got everything I need. Bye Stefan," You looked his eldest brother up and down as he smiled, "Damon." Once the door was shut, Damon poured himself with some bourbon as his smirk dropped.

"What's up with her?" Stefan asked with a snort, dropping his bag down onto the floor beside the door.

"You know, just saving Bonnie and all."

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