9: Kol Dances With You

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Imagine: You are invited to the Mikaelson's house-warming party. They have returned to Mystic Falls, their home. But you are human, believing that all of the Supernatural creatures to be a myth. They are just people that are new to the town, but very elegant. You were forced to go by your friends but you knew you wouldn't enjoy yourself.

"Come on Y/N, it will be fun!" Your friend says as they force you into the car. You roll your eyes in disbelief.

"I really can't be bothered." You reply, placing your clutch in your lap. You was actually thinking of rewatching the whole of the Hunger Games series tonight - obviously not going to happen! But as your other friends pile in, you try to enjoy yourself. A thought springs to mind, you're going to a total strangers party, how ridiculous.

"Rumour has it that the Mikaelson's aren't human," Says your friend Natalie and you laugh, "Trust me on this one! They haven't aged over centuries and at night they can see inside your dreams." She adds and you can't help laughing harder. Natalie gives you a death stare but you can't stop laughing, at least you're enjoying yourself already.

"Look we're here for a good night, right? Just let me get on with mine." You say as the car begins to pelt down the road. Everybody nods as the latest hits blast out from the car stereo and you begin to sing until your body can't deal with it anymore.


As you climb out of the car, you stare at the building in front of you. It is huge and elegant but you bite your lower lip in confusion. This house wasn't here before and where did they get their money from? But you pinch yourself for trying to think of horrific reasons why you should not trust them. Music is playing inside, some songs you haven't heard for quite some time now. But that isn't your focus as you stroll in the door.

"Good evening." A man roughly your age said and you turned towards them. Why were they acting so formal? He lifted your hand up to his mouth before kissing it gently. You had a boyfriend, you had a long-distance relationship that was working out very well.

"I am Niklaus Mikaelson, and you are?" He asks, holding out an arm for you to take. Hesitantly, you do. After all, you're supposed to have fun but if he makes one move against you then you will leave. He smiles graciously, scanning the crowd.

"Y/N Y/L/N." You reply shyly, and he nods. The music changes but is still upbeat.

"I think my brother will be very fond of you, just let me find him." Niklaus muttered and you held your breath. Nobody ever fell for you, only your boyfriend did. But as you made you way across the ballroom, you felt all eyes on you. Was he dangerous? But you avoided eye contact with your friends and other people. But then you saw him at the end, dressed in a obsidian suit with a minuscule bow tie and he was staring directly at you. It was hard to look away, he was like a magnet and as you approached him your cheeks became rosy.

"I guess I'll leave you two to it." Klaus told you both, but you couldn't even feel him leave because you were still staring at his brother. At this moment in time, you forgot you had a boyfriend or that your friends were watching your every move. He smiled at you and you shook out of his trance.

"Um - Oh God, sorry for staring." You muttered, becoming redder by the second. He stepped forward, closing the space even more. Usually you were claustrophobic but your fear had just disappeared.

"Kol Mikaelson." He whispered, taking your hand and planted a lingering kiss onto it. You felt yourself smiling at his caring gesture. You felt like a princess as he offered his arm out to you. The music changed to a slow and steady beat and he bowed to you suddenly.

"Will you do the honours of dancing with me?" He asked and you bit your lower lip to stop yourself from screaming things that you'll soon regret.

"Of course." You whispered before he lead you both into the centre of the room. He placed his first hand on your shoulder before resting one carefully on your waist. You did the exact same, he was different but this time you could feel a spark. He looked up to confidently, his eyes locked against yours. But again you felt yourself promising that you wouldn't do anything to betray your boyfriend tonight. As you swayed to the music, he stepped closer slightly.

"Kol, I don't know how to say this. I have a boyfriend." You murmured but he stepped away. You felt yourself cold but your friend ran up to you as he soon left the ballroom floor, leaving nothing behind.

"Look your boyfriend is an idiot. He treats you like crap, but this guy could be your one way ticket out of that." You looked at her sternly.

"He doesn't treat me bad!" You answered back, but then she grabs your arm and pulls you around the corner where you see him kissing another girl. When did he get here? How long has he been here?

"I'm sorry you had to find out this way but today I heard that he was dating somebody in Savanna and I had to see if it was true. I invited him today to prove to you that he was toxic." She replies but your eyes well up with tears. You run out of the Mikaelson house, tears streaming down your pretty face. You thought he was the one, but obviously not.

"Why is such a beautiful person shedding tears for an idiot." Kol says, walking towards you and then sitting next to you. You wipe your eyes, nobody was supposed to see you like this - especially him. His shoulder touches yours and then you place you head on his shoulder and begin to cry.

"Hey, whoever did this I will kill them." He tells you and you giggle slightly, he doesn't look like a murderer.

"You don't even know my name." You reply as he wraps an arm around you. Something about this gesture makes you feel secure and you snuggle closer into him.

"I do, it's Y/N." Kol answers, reciting your name as if it was the alphabet. You bite your lower lip,

"How do you know it? I haven't even told you." You question him and he turns towards you.

"Well I heard everybody talking about how gorgeous this girl was looking tonight and I figured it would have to be you." He complemented you and you bit your lower lip to stop you from blushing even more. You can't help but admit to yourself that there is an attraction between you both. You wipe your eyes carefully before spotting your boyfriend in the distance.

"He kissed another girl in front of-" But you are interrupted by Kol plastering a passionate kiss on you mouth, pushing you towards him gently. You cup his face with your hands, relaxing into him.

"Me." You whisper as he lets you catch your breath. But your ex is gone, and for once you don't care. Kol Mikaelson kissed you and there's nothing else you can think of.

"I couldn't resist." Kol told you as he pulled you into his embrace. You rested your head on his shoulder effortlessly, enjoying the moment.

You couldn't have thought of a better way to end the night.

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