56: (REQUESTED) Klaus Finds Out You're Pregnant (PART 2)

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Imagine: It has been days since you told Klaus that you were carrying his child. You had booked an appointment to get rid of your child, as much as you were against it. Klaus didn't know a thing, he was trying to sort things out with Camille.

You were able to work from home the last few days, telling everybody at your work place you were sick and it was contagious. They sent you work via e-mail and you continued to work. Being in a work environment would make things for you worse right now, also you didn't want the father of your child storming in and massacring your friends when you told him you had gotten rid of the child.

Your phone buzzed but you ignored it, Klaus had been trying to call you for several days - trying to sort things out with you, but you kept pushing him away. How could he say he loved you? He never showed it. Again it buzzed, almost for an hour straight today. So you picked it up,

"What do you want, Klaus?" You muttered, rolling your eyes and jotting down some numbers and notes on a piece of paper. He cleared his throat.

"I want to prove to you that I can be the greatest father for our child," You tutted and went to decline the call, "Wait! I mean, I want to show you something, I don't care if you hate me. Just one day." You thought about it, spending one day with Klaus before you told him his child would be gone by Friday.

"What does this day include then?" You sighed, standing up from your chair and tucking it under your desk.

"You'll have to see for yourself," He told you, making you question what was really happening. Suddenly he spoke again, "Look outside."

"Wha- Why?" You stuttered, walking towards your window and opening the curtains. As you peered down, you saw Klaus holding a bunch of red roses. Even though you didn't want to admit it, your heart fluttered at the romantic gesture.

"Open your window." Klaus said, a small smirk on his lips. Slowly you opened the window, locking it into place once it was fully open. Suddenly he jumped, some of the rose petals falling and landed on the edge of your window. Swiftly, he hauled himself inside and bowed.

"Wow, I mean... This is convincing but-" You were interrupted,

"I said a day, not five minutes," He whispered as he offered you the roses, you took them, "We've got a lot to do today."

"You mean this isn't it? There's more?" You gasped, blushing at the thought of Klaus becoming as romantic and spontaneous as you thought your future husband would be. He smiled and offered you an arm, which you gracefully took.

"There's more." He told you with a smile before you both walked out of your apartment.


Most of the day, Klaus had taken you to a five-star restaurant, the park and the theatres. It was now past midnight and the day was over. In a way you felt sad, you didn't want the day to end - Klaus could easily go back to treating everybody like dirt instead of actual people. He walked you out of the theatres, silence took over both of you.

"That was amazing!" You grinned at him, peering back to the theatre and then back at him.

"I'm glad you liked it." He uttered, reminding you that it was your decision now whether to tell Klaus that you was getting rid of the baby... Unless you wanted to keep it.

"Can I talk to you about something? But you can't interrupt me," You asked him and he nodded, "On Friday, I booked an appointment with the doctor to get rid of our baby," He opened his mouth to speak, "I said no interruptions. But then I saw how much you wanted this... It made me realise how good of a father you actually are."

"Well I do have a daughter myself... But today wasn't mostly about the baby, Y/N, I was trying to show you how much I want to be with you." Niklaus told you, stopping in the middle of the pathway. You turned to face him,

"Today I realised how much I do love you, like this - not the monstrous doché you always are. If you're willing to stay as focussed on making me happy, then there's nothing stopping us." You said, finally meeting his gaze. His eyes lit up like a wildfire, he got the answer he wanted.

"I'll do it for you, you have my word on that." Klaus smiled, and suddenly you embraced him. You stayed like that for a very long time.

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