59: (REQUESTED) Surprising Stefan With A Secret Talent

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Imagine: You and Stefan have been dating for a while now and today was your one year anniversary. So you had offered not to go out but to order pizza and watch a film in doors. He agreed, knowing that if you went out - there was bound to be trouble that followed.

You had one of Stefan's jumpers on, one that he barely wore but the smell of it was still him. Your hair was in two dutch braids that trailed down the back of your head and you were wearing a pair of ripped jeans. But one thing that you had to admit was that you was extremely happy.

The doorbell rung, so you answered it to be faced with the pizza delivery man. You frowned at him, hoping that you were going to be faced with Stefan instead.

"What's with the sad face?" The man asked as you fumbled around in your purse for $10.

"I thought you were someone else," You laughed with a small smile as you gave him the money, "Keep the change, have a nice day." You smiled as he walked away, but then you saw a figure behind him with a bouquet of roses and a box of Cadbury's chocolates.

"Hey, Stefan." You mutter, walking up to him and placing a soft kiss on his lips. He smirked and handed you the presents as you whispered, "I got you some things inside."

As you walked inside, he shut the door behind you both and you lead him towards the kitchen where you picked up a snowy shirt. But as you went to turn around, Stefan grabbed your hand. When you faced him, he kissed you passionately before murmuring, "I love it."

"So um, I've got the pizza," You gestured to the box that sat on the chest of drawers by the door, "What film do you want to watch?" As you walked over to your massive selection of movies that your family had collected over the years, he peered through them.

"The Jungle Book? Seriously, you still have this?" Stefan laughed and you giggled,

"Well I did have a little brother once." You told him, remembering when your brother was only a little boy but now he was a teenager who hid in his room most of the time. Stefan smiled back at you before picking out the most classic film of all time, Star Wars.

"I'll watch it only for you, Stef. Okay?" You replied, grabbing the film off him and placing the CD into the back of the television. After fiddling with a few buttons on your remote, the film began to play. As you cuddled with Stefan, holding his hand as it wrapped around your torso, he whispered,

"Imagine if Princess Leia could dance, it would be like a broadway show." Stefan thought about it for a moment, causing you to remember something you had never told him.

"When I was younger I used to dance," He opened his mouth in shock but you just grinned at him instead, "Like, mostly ballet and other stuff. It was cool, but then my parents couldn't afford to pay for lessons. They're pretty expensive."

"Do you remember it?" He asked, detaching his eyes from the television screen and glancing over at you as you fiddled with the tips of his jumped, "And is that my jumper?"

"You're never getting it back, Salvatore." You laughed back, a weak smile on your lips.

"But seriously, do you remember anything you learnt?" Stefan repeated, causing you to sit up onto your knees and face him. Of course you remembered how to dance, the elegance of it and the way you could feel the music vibrating through you...

"Dancing is like a foreign language at first, but once you know it, you know it. So, let's just say it's like my native language. But not as native anymore." You explained to him and he paused the movie and stood up, "Where are you going?" You asked him curiously.

"You're going to dance again. As in now, Y/N." He told you, clicking play onto the radio. You shot him a glare,

"What, why?" You asked him, following him to where he was standing. He leaned down and kissed you briefly,

"Because you're human and you need to do what you love before it's too late." And so you did, you danced.


I couldn't be bothered to write about dancing because I'm trying to write A LOT of imagines today, meaning that I will go back and edit these soon :)

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