10: Damon Confesses Everything

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Imagine: Damon Salvatore, a 180 year old vampire is always rude to you. He avoids you but when you're in situations which are unavoidable he either badmouths you or ignores you. But something about his charm and the way he acts to others makes you question if you like him. Obviously he isn't very nice to you but you can't help but see him in a different light. Today was the day you were going to kill Klaus Mikaelson, you had all planned it for over a month or two now but today was the day.

"Okay, Elena and I will enter the back exit of the grill. Bonnie, you cast the spell to lock him inside of the room and Damon and Y/N will go and kill him. Me and Elena will stay hidden for backup." Stefan insists and the thought of you having to spend time with Damon made you feel uneasy. You could tell by his expression he didn't want to go through the murdering process with you. But instead you nodded, passing the white oak stake Alaric had handed you to Damon and he snatched it out of your hands with a dead-pan expression. But you had already gotten used to it.

"Let's go." Elena said, strolling towards Stefan's car as you got inside Damons. He didn't speak for the whole car ride but whenever you tried to begin a conversation he just turned the volume up. You stare out of the window and sighed, at least you know it is not your fault. Furthermore, you pull up outside the Grill. Earlier, Caroline compelled all of the customers to walk out at our arrival and that way no humans will get hurt. But you were human and somehow you ended up tagging along.

"Let's go kick his-" You interrupted you partner in crime as you walked into the bar. Everybody began to clear the room.

"Where's Klaus?" You asked, peering around the room. He was nowhere to be seen, the whole travel had been worthless. So you and Damon sat down and poured yourselves a drink, as you take a sip you hear a voice at the door.

"Well hello Damon," Niklaus greeted, wiping a drop of blood off the corner of his lips, "And who may the delicious woman be?" He questioned, his wittiness didn't startle you; it only boosted the adrenaline running through your body.

"Y/N." He answered, taking a sip of his bourbon. You rolled your eyes, Damon didn't even recognise the reference the Original made.

"Maybe I'll grab a little snack before we deal with whatever you made me come here for." Klaus told you both before suddenly grabbing you off the chair and sinking his ravenous fangs into your neck. You could feel your blood trickling down your spine, shortening your life span.

"No!" Damon yelled, getting up from his chair. You fiddled around in my pocket for the white oak stake and you grasped your fingers around it before shoving it into his heart from behind. He screamed, falling on his knees as he began to set alight. But there was hardly any blood left in your body as you fell backwards onto you back in agony.

"Y/N." The Salvatore muttered before leaning your head on his knee. Your eyes began to grow tireder by the second, you attempted to grip onto a table but instead you grabbed his bicep.

"I'm here, it's okay. I'll heal you." He insisted, biting into his own wrist gently before letting it rest against your mouth. You drank it, not willing to die just yet - you were only eighteen. As you grew more thirstier for his vampire blood you clung onto his arm, allowing his blood to pass freely into your system.

"Why didn't you let me die?" You asked randomly, catching your breath after you finish drinking his blood. His expression changes as he tries to sum up an answer, his eyes scatter your face intensely.

"Damon, you're always avoiding me and being rude, disrespectful and brutal. Why didn't you let me die, just like you want me to?" You question him again, letting all of your anger out. For a second, he is lost for words but then he replies without thinking.

"Because I love you Y/N! I love you so much I can't even look at you or even speak to you! Why do you have to make things so difficult?" He shouted at you which startled you. He likes you. Damon Salvatore likes you. You couldn't suppress a smile and his confession made you realise you decision.

"You make my life so, so difficult. I have to make choices I don't want to make to only please you. Please Damon, can you promise me something?" You questioned him back as he stroked a hand through your hair. You body was nearly healed, you could feel the blood running through your veins.

"Anything, Y/N." He murmured back, smirking to himself as you prepared what you was going to say.

"Love me forever." You whispered to him and he fit his mouth to yours, just like a two perfect snowflakes becoming one. As the kiss intensified, you pulled him closer to you - allowing him to stay as close as he wanted.

"I promise." Damon spoke, kissing you once again.

"I promise." He repeated after, standing up as you both walked out hand in hand.

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