67: Klaus Tells You He Loves You

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Imagine: You are the one thing that has been keeping Klaus grounded for the last few years, and tonight was your birthday. In your human life, you would be turning just over one-hundred today, and Klaus thought that you should have the birthday of your dreams.

"Niklaus!" You shouted as you tugged at your dress, disappointment running throat your veins. The dress was too small than what you were used to, the bottom of the dress came just under your butt and the front of your dress exposed too much of your chest. Peering in the mirror, you repeated even louder, "You bastard, get your self up here!"

Suddenly you heard a sigh, along with the click of a heel, "Yes, love?"

"Would you care to explain to me why this is the dress you picked out for me?" You asked, turning around to face away from the mirror and perching your eyebrow in confusion. He flashed his famous smile at you, and took a step forward, slow but steady.

"Look," he began, his eyes drifting definitely away from your face, "I just feel that through all of the hassle I've put you through in the last years we have been together, as a partnership, you've never truly felt like a princess-"

You scoffed, interrupting him mid-sentence, "So I'm supposed to look like a prostitute instead? Klaus, this dress is not my size nor my taste."

"I'm sorry, love, but you really do look beautiful in that dress." Niklaus continued, gracefully moving his hand aside as if he were pushing away your worries. Classic Klaus Mikaelson. Frustrated, you ran a hand through your heard and huffed, turning back to the mirror to look at your reflection once again.

"I'm flattered by the gesture, Niklaus, but I feel like a tart in this." You muttered, moving your hair to the side in order to find the zipper of the dress. Since you and Klaus had been friends for years now, you felt comfortable changing in front of him as long as you kept your decency in your underwear. The innocent side of Klaus had always respected that.

Sighing, Klaus made his way over to you, laying his hands on your shoulders, "Y/N, I don't think you understand."

You rolled your eyes and looked up at him in the mirror, folding your arms across your chest. "What could I possibly not understand?" You questioned him, and he revealed a smirk as you peered at him through the mirror.

"Y/N, I bought you this dress because tonight we are going to live like royalty, I found a bar just outside of town which lets vampire's feed on the humans there that are willing. But before we were going to go for a fancy dinner, eat some delicacy before retreating for out desert at that bar. And then I was going to tell you something once we were both out of it on human blood. But you can take that skimpy dress off if you so wish." Klaus flamboyantly explained and you were smiling at the gestures that he was so kindly offering. As you peered at him in the mirror, you noticed that his smirk had settled into a pair of straight lips which were half-gazing at you and half looking around the room. Great, you thought silently, now I've annoyed him.

"Wait Klaus," You shouted as he turned around on the heel of his foot and almost walked out of the door. He stopped, and suddenly turned around rapidly before a slight glimpse of hope appeared deep into his eyes. Raising an eyebrow, you questioned him, "Why is it so important that I wear this dress?"

Klaus took a step forward effortlessly, his foot gently gliding along the surface of the floor, and as he approached behind you, you felt like you were beginning to understand. "I think it makes you look... hot." He whispered, his voice so close to your ear that you felt every atom in your body shiver and vibrate.

"Um, Klaus... I'm not sure if this is the best idea-" But suddenly you felt his hands on your waist, his fingers gently gliding along the thin material of your dress. Your breath was hitched and he pulled you against him, his eyes landing on yours as you both faced the mirror.

"I think it is the best idea, Y/N," He told you, his hands moving across your torso as he moved in front of you. Tucking a piece of hair behind your ear, he leant forward so that your noses were almost touching, and his arm moved around to your back, "I am deeply, most utterly, in love with you, princess."

You felt your breath hitch, and you pulled him closer so that your lips grazed his with the most exhilarating friction and electricity you could possibly gather. You didn't feel the need to answer, so instead - you kissed him.

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