64: You Spend The Night With Klaus

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Imagine: You and Klaus had been dating for months, but due to the insufficient time you both had to be able to spend time together - you hadn't been able to stay at his house for a full night. Camille had agreed to take baby Hope to her house for the night, much to the dismay of her father. Hayley was out drinking with Elijah, but you knew that the night wouldn't end with just a drink.

You smiled at Klaus from across the dinner table as you prodded the chicken with your fork. It was disgusting, the rubber taste of the meat had already told you that he hadn't even cooked it to precision and the tomato pasta beneath it was as solid as rocks. He chewed on a piece of chicken, his eyes lighting up and you wondered how he was enjoying the food in the first place.

"Delicious," You lied to him, finishing your mouthful and taking a sip of your champagne - the only tasteful thing on the dinner table, "But I'm a little full. Before I came here, I had lunch with my brother and he suggested that sharing food with him would be more entertaining than eating with an Original Vampire."

Klaus chuckled, "I understand. Maybe next time we should invite him too! He can spend the night with us, the three of us in bed together."

"Klaus!" You giggled as he picked up your plate and whacking him on the arm sarcastically. You always loved his sarcastic remarks, even if they were to offend you in a certain way you would still find them comedic. Following him to the kitchen, you continued, "He's just a little jealous because his girlfriend broke up with him and now the main girl in his life is sadly his sister." Klaus put the plates down onto the counter and sat on a stall, taking his leg to invite you to sit on it - and so you did.

"You are the main thing in my life, does it make me sad to want you all the time?" He grinned at you as you looked down on him. Sitting on his lap made you that little, extra, taller than him and you loved it, for he had taunted you many times about your short height. It made you feel in control, just like he must've all of the time.

"It makes you a sad man, indeed." You reply in a reserved voice before leaning down to him and handing him a passionate kiss where your bodies pressed together and he could feel your heartbeat, whereas, you couldn't feel his. Sometimes you thought you felt a beat, a vibration in his chest that made you believe that sometimes the supernatural world was all a joke, every part of it was fake. But you knew that wasn't true, and maybe if it did beat, it was beating for you.

Klaus leant back, teasing you as he licked his lips, "I know a sad man."

"Who?" You asked, pondering on the possibilities of who the male may be.

"My brother Elijah. For he hasn't declared his undying love for the mother of my child, yet I have declared it for you." He whispered, leaning forward again and as you went to kiss him, you felt his finger against you lips to stop you. You felt a little embarrassed, but the feeling soon drifted when you felt his hand slide down your back comfortingly, "I love you, Y/N."

You pressed a hand against his cheek, "I love you too, Klaus."


Pressing the covers to your chest, you woke up to the feeling of Klaus's body beside you. Never had you thought that in your mortal life you would be able to wake up to his face. There was always something to take him away during the night, whether it was an evil creature that was made of magic that even Klaus couldn't understand, or even his siblings who needed help.

A smile appeared on your lips as you stared at the window, it was sunrise, which only meant you had waken up earlier than you usually did. Maybe it was the adrenaline rush from last night, maybe it was just because you were with the man you hope you would marry. The sun was golden against your sun-kissed skin, and you felt yourself smile that little bit more.

"Morning, love." Klaus's voice hummed against your neck and you felt a shiver run down your spine. It wasn't the type of shiver which made her want to cry and sprint out of the house as soon as possible. It was the type that made her weak and her knees and reminded her that she was teeth-deep in love with the Mikaelson.

You moved one of your hands out from under his duvet and he caught it within seconds, "Good morning."

"I never expected you to be a morning person," Klaus whispered as you felt him moved closer to you, "When I met you, it was two in the morning at the bar and we were both out of our minds with alcohol. I wonder, did you wake up four hours later with a scorching headache?"

"No, Klaus, I didn't. I don't usually wake up at this time. Maybe it was because I wanted to see your face, or if you were still here." You replied, detangling your fingers from his and turning around to face him. His hair was almost covering his eyes, swiped to one side where he had laid and the same, smug smile laid upon his lips like a trophy. Sometimes his beauty distracted you from all the dangerous deeds he had committed, others it reminded you that even though he was one of the first vampires in history, he used to be human too.

"I'm here, princess," Klaus muttered, his fingers circling your cheekbone calmingly, "and I don't plan on leaving."

You inhaled sharply, "What if I told you that I feel really sick right now? Would you leave?"

Klaus chuckled slightly and kissed your sweaty forehead, "Rebekah's cooking has clearly gotten the best of you. Me, Elijah and Kol have never sufficed to such disasters but last night was my only option. And would I leave? I wouldn't leave you, even if it meant dying to be with you."



p.s: i hope this is of good standard, i'm a little rusty.

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